- "Am I Dying?" "How Long Have I Got?" Handling Challenging Questions
- "I'm Not Loveable Anymore" Discussing Intimacy in Advanced Illness
- "SAFR" Care Coordination Between Paramedics and ED
- "What Will It Be Like?" Talking About the Dying Process
- 10 Steps to a Clean Delivery
- 60+ Tips to Prevent Medication Errors & ADEs
- A FHIR-Enabled Ecosystem for Health Information Sharing
- A Framework to Support Measure Development for Telehealth
- A Hybrid Approach to the Use of Agile in Health IT
- A Measurement to Support the Health IT Regional Strategy
- A Midwife Like Me
- A Multi-Pronged Approach to Improve Provider Satisfaction
- A National Repository of Widely Shareable, Computable CDS
- A Program to Prevent Catheter-Associated UTI's
- A Unified DNACPR Policy
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in Burns
- Abdominal Flaps in Breast Reconstruction
- Abdominal pain
- Abdominal Pain of Musculoskeletal
- Abdominal Paracentesis
- Abdominal Radiographs: Uses, Limitations, Techniques and Normal Anatomy
- Abdominal Trauma
- Abdominal Viscera: Biliary Anatomy
- Abdominal Viscera: Large Intestine
- Abnormal Blood Sugar Levels and Hypoglycaemia
- Abnormal Vulvovaginal Symptoms
- Abnormalities of the Bladder and Urethra
- About Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice
- Absence of the Cavum Septum Pellucidum
- AC and BC Audiometry
- Achieving HIMSS Stage 7: Realizing the Benefits of Your EHR
- Acid and Bases
- Acid Base Balance and Buffers
- Acid Base Balance and Buffers
- ACL Injury and the Gender Affect
- ACLS Special Situation: Trauma: Mass Shooting, Gun Wounds
- Acne
- ACP and Different Illness Trajectories
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Actinic Keratosis and Bowen’s Disease
- Acute Abdominal Pain
- Acute Abdominal Pain in Children
- Acute Adult G-I Bleeding: Imaging and Intervention
- Acute and Chronic Radiation Changes
- Acute and Late Effects of Proton Treatments
- Acute Aortic Syndromes
- Acute Asthma
- Acute Care Splinting
- Acute Compartment Syndrome in the Lower Limb
- Acute Confusion and Off Legs
- Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Acute Illness Impacts Function In Elderly
- Acute Illnesses Which Can Present With Syncope
- Acute Kidney Injury
- Acute Kidney Injury - Online Learning Package
- Acute Management of Accidental Hypothermia and its Complications
- Acute Myeloid Leukaemia - Complications and Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant
- Acute Myeloid Leukaemia - Introduction, Diagnosis and Management
- Acute Osteomyelitis - Radiology
- Acute Pain in Children
- Acute Pain Management
- Acute Pain: History, Examination and Simple Uni-dimensional Tools
- Acute Presentations of Tuberculosis (TB)
- Acute Presentations of Tuberculosis (TB)
- Acute Renal Failure and the Effects of Anaesthesia on Renal Function
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Acute Wheeze in Children
- Adherence and Concordance in Young People
- Adherence Challenges in Asthma: Pediatrics, Adolescents and Older Adults
- Adolescent Gynaecology
- Adolescent Presenting with Intoxication
- Adolescent Privacy: Solve This Problem or I'll Text You
- Adolocent Healthcare - Confidentiality in Consultations and in Health Services
- Adrenal Disease and Steroid Replacement Therapy
- Adrenal Hormones I
- Adrenal Hormones II
- Adrenal Masses
- Adrenal Syndromes
- Adult Sepsis
- Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment in Practice
- Advanced Cancer: Analyzing Patient Discussions
- Advanced Googling for Medical Professionals
- Advanced MRI Sequences and Techniques
- Advanced Training Program on the Safe Use of Fluoroscopy: Module 1
- Advanced Training Program on the Safe Use of Fluoroscopy: Module 2
- Advanced Training Program on the Safe Use of Fluoroscopy: Module 3
- Advancing Digital Health in Canada
- Adverse Drug Effects
- Advising on Fitness for Work and Supporting Rehabilitation
- Aetiology and Investigation of Gynaecomastia
- Agitation and Restlessness in the Dying Phase in Palliative Care
- Agonists and Receptors
- Agreeing a Plan of Management and Palliative Care
- AI-Powered Early Warning System to Improve Patient Safety
- Aims of Anaesthesia
- Airway Anatomy
- Airway Assessment I - Anesthesiology
- Airway maintenance and Oxygen Therapy
- Airway Maintenance: cLMA
- Airway Maintenance: Tracheal Tube 1
- Airway Maintenance: Tracheal Tube 2
- Airway Management in Trauma
- Airway Obstruction
- AIUM Practice Parameter for The Performance of Obstetric Ultrasound Examinations
- AIUM Practice Parameter for Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip
- AIUM Practice Parameters for the Performance of an Ultrasound Examination of the Abdomen and/or Retroperitoneum and Diagnostic and Screening Ultrasound Examinations of the Abdominal Aorta
- AKI - Differential Diagnosis
- AKI - Fluid Resuscitation
- AKI - Life-threatening Complications
- All About the Foot with Prof Bill Ribbans
- Allergen Immunotherapy, Today and Tomorrow: Session II. Immunotherapy with Food Allergens
- Allergies in Children
- Allergy and Inflamatory Response
- Allied Health: Cutting Edge: Health Related Quality of Life and Allergy Disease
- Altered Level Of Consciousness: Evidence-Based Management In The Emergency Department
- Alveolar Gas Equation - Anesthesiology
- Alveolar Proteinosis
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Alzheimer's Disease, Prevalence, and Caregiving
- Ambiguous Genitalia
- American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Conference Highlights: ACAAI 2016
- Aminosteroid Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
- Amplifiers and Interference - Anesthesiology
- An Exploration of Health Rights for Indigenous Patients in Renal Care - Webinar
- An Introduction to Compassion – Part I: The Nature of Compassion
- An Introduction to Essential Techniques
- An Introduction to Essential Techniques
- An Introduction to Significant Event Audit
- An Introduction to Using Early Support Materials in Context
- An Underperforming Colleague - What To Do
- Anaemia - Anesthesiology
- Anaemia - Controlling the Impact - Podcast
- Anaemia and Breathlessness
- Anaesthesia and intensive care for major burns
- Anaesthesia and Myasthenia Gravis
- Anaesthesia for a Child With Cerebral Palsy
- Anaesthesia for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Anaesthesia for the Patient with a Renal Transplant
- Anaesthesia for the Patient with Hepatic Failure
- Anaesthetic Implications of Obesity
- Anaesthetic Record Keeping
- Analgesia and Antiemetics
- Analgesia and the Intensive Care Unit
- Analyzing Factors that Link Chronic Rhinosinusitis & Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
- Anaphylaxis
- Anaphylaxis
- Anatomical Basis of Airway Management
- Anatomical Differences in the Developing Paediatric Airway
- Anatomy - X-Ray, CT, MRI Drag & Drop Quiz
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Balance Organs
- Anatomy of the Adrenal Gland
- Anatomy of the Ankle (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Ankle (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Arm
- Anatomy of the Bones of the Thorax (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Bones of the Thorax and Spine (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus
- Anatomy of the Breast
- Anatomy of the Calcaneum (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Carpal Bones (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Cervical Spine (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Elbow (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Elbow (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Facial Bones (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Foot (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Foot and Calcaneum (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Hand (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Hand (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Heart
- Anatomy of the Hip (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Knee (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Knee, Tibia and Fibula (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Lungs and Respiratory System (anaesthesia)
- Anatomy of the Oral Cavity, Pharynx and Larynx
- Anatomy of the Palmar Fascia
- Anatomy of the Pelvis (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Pelvis and Hip (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Radius and Ulna (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Radius and Ulna (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Scrotum
- Anatomy of the Shoulder (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Shoulder and Humerus (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Skull (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Skull and Facial Bones (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Thoracic Spine (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Wrist (Adult) - Radiology
- Anatomy of the Wrist (Paediatric) - Radiology
- Anesthesia Patient Safety: Closing the Gap Between Perception and Reality - Ellison C. Pierce Lecture (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Anesthesia Standards The CMS CoPs (Post-Aneshetic)
- Anesthesia Standards: The CMS CoPs (Pre-Anesthetic)
- Anesthesia, Surgery & PACU Standards: CMS CoPs
- Aneurysms and Aortic Dissection
- Animal and Human Bite Wounds
- Ankle and Low Leg Examination
- Ankle Dorsiflexion Effects on Gait and Balance
- Ankle Fracture Post Operative Rehabilitation
- Ankle Injuries
- Ankle Pain
- Ankle Part 1: Ankle Sprains, Persistent Ankle Sprain/Pain
- Ankle Part 2: Fractures
- Ankle Sprains - Effects of Kinesiotape Application
- Ano-rectal STIs
- Anomalies and Anatomic Variants of the Liver
- Anoxic Seizures
- Antecubital Fossa
- Antenatal Care
- Antenatal Care
- Antenatal Screening for Syphilis
- Antepartum Haemorrhage
- Anterior Knee Pain - Radiology
- Anterior Mediastinal Masses
- Anti-Diabetic Therapy: NIDDM and Insulin Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus
- Anti-Scatter Grids in Radiography
- Antibiotic Policies - Anesthesiology
- Antibiotics: Mechanisms of Action
- Anticoagulants
- Anticoagulation in Pregnancy
- Antidepressants and Anticonvulsants
- Antiemetic Drugs
- Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs)
- Antihistamines
- Antihypertensive and Hypotensive drugs
- Antimicrobial Prophylaxis
- Antiplatelet Agents
- Aortic Trauma
- Apert Syndrome
- Apnoeic Oxygenation and Differential Equations
- Applied Anatomy of the Popliteal Fossa
- Applying Prospective Risk Assessment Tools In GP Practices
- Approach to a Bone Lesion - Radiology
- Approaching ACP When Capacity is Uncertain, Fluctuating, or Likely to Deteriorate
- Areas of the Brain and Associated Speech Disturbances
- Arrhythmias
- Arterial Blood Gas Sampling and Interpretation
- Arterial Blood Gases
- Arterial Imaging Magnetic Resonance Angiography: Part 2
- Arterial Imaging: CTA Why and How
- Arterial Ischaemic Stroke in Infancy and Childhood
- Arterial Lines: Technique of Insertion
- Ascites and Peritoneal Fluid Collection
- Asessment, Resuscitation and differential diagnosis of unconscious patient
- Asian Medicine Theory and Therapeutics
- Assertive Communication
- Assessing a Patient with an Electrolyte Imbalance
- Assessing Development Stage
- Assessing Eye Problems in Children
- Assessing Mental Capacity in Older People
- Assessing Severity of Acute Asthma
- Assessing Severity of Acute Asthma
- Assessing Those with Fluctuating Mental Capacity
- Assessing Through Proxies
- Assessing Treatment Effectiveness
- Assessing Urgent Situations with Limited Information
- Assessment - Trainee GPs
- Assessment And Diagnosis Of Cfs/Me In Adolescence
- Assessment and Management of Agitation in Palliative Care
- Assessment and Management of Anxiety in Palliative Care
- Assessment and Management of Burns
- Assessment and Management of Weight Loss and Loss of Appetite in Palliative Care
- Assessment and Referral for Intrauterine Contraception Fitting and Removal
- Assessment and Referral for SDI Fitting
- Assessment and Referral for Sterilisation
- Assessment in End of Life Care
- Assessment of an Enlarged Liver
- Assessment of Carers’ Needs
- Assessment of Child with Known Cardiac Problems
- Assessment of Children's Pain
- Assessment of Constipation in Palliative Care
- Assessment Of Eating Disorders
- Assessment of Mood in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Nausea and Vomiting in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Outcomes in Patients with Burns
- Assessment of Pain in Older Adults
- Assessment of Pain in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Physical and Cognitive Deterioration in Function in Palliative Care
- Assessment of Physical Function
- Assessment of Physical Symptoms
- Assessment of Psychological Well-being
- Assessment of Risk and Medical Eligibility for all Contraceptive Methods
- Assessment of Social and Occupational Well-being
- Assessment of Spiritual Well-being
- Assessment of the Injured Globe, Eyelids and Orbit
- Assessment of the Patient with Severe Facial Trauma
- Assessment/Resuscitation/Differential Diagnosis - Anesthesiology
- Asthma - Anesthesiology
- Asthma Guidelines and Inhaler Technique
- Asthma Guidelines and Inhaler Technique
- Asthma, COPD and Allergic Rhinitis - Presentation and Treatment
- Atomic Structure
- Atomic Structure
- Atrial Fibrillation - Anesthesiology
- Atrial fibrillation - anticoagulation and stroke prevention
- Atrial Fibrillation - Part 1 Rate and Rhythm Control
- Atrial Fibrillation - Part 2 Anticoagulation
- Attacking Your Own Network: A Lesson on Penetration Testing
- Attitudes and Behaviour
- Atypical Diabetes Syndromes
- Audit: Basic Principles
- Autogenic Drainage: The Technique, Physiological Basis and Evidence.
- Automate Consent to Comply with a New IQR Quality Measure
- Automating Pollen Identification/NAB
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Autonomic Nervous System Physiology (anaesthesia)
- Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease - Webinar
- Avoiding Diagnostic Failures in the Emergency Department
- Axillary Block - Anesthesiology
- Back Pain - Degenerative Conditions
- Back Pain which is not Better at 6 Weeks
- Back Pain with Red Flags
- Back Pain: Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Back Pain: MSK-Spondylolisthesis
- Back Pain: Urgent Conditions - Malignancy
- Back Pain: Vertebral Fractures
- Balance Outcome Measure for Elders in Acute Care
- Balints Ideas
- Balints Ideas
- Barbiturates
- Bariatric Surgery & Mental Health
- Basal Bolus Regimen
- Basic Calculus - Differentiation
- Basic Calculus - Integration
- Basic Life Support
- Basic Monitoring: ECG, SPO2 and Blood Pressure (anaesthesia)
- Basic Nerve Conduction - Audiology
- Basic Pathology and Clinical Aspects
- Basic Principles of DSA
- Basic Principles of Health Promotion
- Basic Radiographic Signs of Infection
- Basic Respiratory Investigations and Lung Function Tests
- Basic Stroke
- Basics of Cardiac Radionuclide Imaging
- Basics of Extracranial Carotid Artery Duplex Ultrasound
- Beam and Non-Beam Hazards of Lasers and Other Optical Radiation Devices
- Becoming a Data-Driven Organization: Journey to HIMSS EMRAM Stage 7
- Behavioral Health: A Launchpad for Enterprise Telehealth
- Behavioural Problems in Children
- Being Open Theory
- Benchmarking and Iterative Usability Testing: A Case Study
- Benefits and Risks of Advance Care Planning to Patients, Families and Staff
- Benign Asbestos Related Disease
- Benign Colonic Tumours
- Benign Renal Tumours
- Benign Testicular Mass and Malignant Extra-Testicular Tumours
- Benzylisoquinolinium Muscle Relaxants
- Bereavement Assessment and Support
- Best Practice in Acute and Chronic Pain Management
- Beyond the Pilot: Value-Driven Innovation
- Bioeffects of obstetric ultrasound for the clinician - How to keep it safe
- Biofeedback in Rehabilitation
- Biological Effects at High Doses - Radiology
- Biological Effects of Radiation Exposure on the Embryo, Fetus and Infant
- Biological Responses of Laser
- Biopsychosocial Model in Pain Management
- Birth
- BIS, Entropy and Evoked Potentials
- BJA Education: Hypertension in pregnancy
- BJA Education: Pathophysiology of cardiovascular dysfunction in sepsis
- BJA Education: Sepsis in obstetrics
- BJA Education: Smoke inhalation injury
- Bleeding Problems in Early Pregnancy
- Blood Component Transfusion
- Blood Cultures
- Blood Supply to the Brain
- BNF Usage and Other Prescribing Information Sources
- Body Shape And Body Image In Adolescence
- Body Temperature and its Regulation
- Body Water and Compartments
- Bone Lesions of the Diaphysis
- Bone Metabolism - Radiology
- Bone: Basic Concepts and Normal Bone
- Bones And Joints of The Upper and Lower Limbs
- Boney Orbit and Extraocular Contents
- Botulism
- Brachial Plexus, Nerve Supply to the Arm and Hand
- Brain Parenchymal Infections: Viral, Post-infectious Sequelae and Opportunistic Infections
- Brain Tumours Affecting Speech: Types, Treatment, Management
- Breaking Bad News
- Breaking Down Barriers with Master Data Management and Data Governance
- Breast Anatomy, Physiology and Imaging
- Breast Calcification
- Breast Cancer Sentinel Node
- Breast Disease: Breast Lumps
- Breast Disease: Breast Pain
- Breast Disease: Nipple Discharge
- Breast Elastography
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 10: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 1: Fundamentals of Breast Imaging
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 2: Digital Equipment and Image Production
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 3: Digital Image Evaluation
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 4: Breast Anatomy
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 5: Pathology
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 6: Digital Quality Control and Regulations
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 7: Patient Care
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 8: Digital Procedures and Techniques
- Breast Imaging Essentials Module 9: Breast Ultrasound
- Breast Intervention
- Breast Pain
- Breast Pain and Inflammation
- Breast Surgery in Female-to-Male Gender Reaffirmation
- Breathing Attacks
- Breathing Problems in Neonates and Infants
- Breathing System Components (anaesthesia)
- Breathing Systems - Circle System
- Breathing Systems Filters
- Breathlessness Type 1 and Type 2 Respiratory Failure
- Brugada Syndrome
- Brugada Syndrome
- Build a Next-Gen IT Team to Embrace Digital Disruption
- Building a Circle of Care Using Technology - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Building a Population Health Strategy That Physicians Love
- Building an Analytics-Driven Laboratory Outreach Business
- Building an Inclusive Health and Wellness Ecosystem - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Building and Maintaining a Modern Provider Directory
- Building Capacity Through Diversity in Health IT Education
- Building the Best Cardiac Operating Room Team: Lessons in Leadership, Teamwork, and Communication (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Burn Treatment Advancements
- Burns (Paediatric)
- Burns and Epilepsy
- Burns And Scalds in Primary Care
- Burns During Pregnancy
- Burns: Classification and Management of Burns
- Buttock Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
- Buy-in Through Opt-in: Shared Services Engagement Strategies
- Buzzwords in Sonography
- CAH 2016: Hot Topics and Problematic Standards
- Calcification: Nephrocalcinosis
- Calcification: Nephrolithiasis
- Calcium and Bone Metabolism Disorders in Primary Care
- Calculations, Corrections and Maintenance - 1 - Anesthesiology
- Capacity and Consent - Adolescent Medicine
- Capacity and Difficult Consent
- Capillary Dynamics and Interstitial Fluid
- Capnography
- Capsular Contracture Around Breast Implants
- Cardiac Arrest in Dialysis Patients - Webinar
- Cardiac Computed Tomography - Coronary Artery Screening
- Cardiac Computed Tomography - Introduction and Anatomy
- Cardiac MRI
- Cardiac MRI Anatomy and MRA
- Cardiac Muscle Contraction 1
- Cardiac Nuclear Medicine Studies
- Cardiac Output Monitoring I
- Cardiac Output Monitoring II
- Cardiac Rehab Effects of Heat and Cold
- Cardiac: Basic Pathology and Clinical Aspects
- Cardiac: Basic Principles
- Cardio Pulmonary Disease: Coronary Heart Disease and Acute MI
- Cardiomyopathies
- Cardiomyopathy and anaesthesia
- Cardiopulmonary Disease: Obstructive Airway Disease
- Cardiovascular Adaptations to Pregnancy
- Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Anatomy
- Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Pathology
- Cardiovascular Physiology - The Cardiovascular System (anaesthesia)
- Cardiovascular Problems Anesthesiology
- Cardiovascular Support in Major Burns
- Care After Death I: Introduction to Care After Death
- Care After Death II – Providing Personal Care After Death
- Care Coordination for Care Manager
- Care Management Overview for Care Manager
- Care of People with Dementia
- Care of People with Intellectual Disability
- Care of The Newborn
- Care of the Woman Who Has Had Unprotected Sex
- Care of the Woman Who Has Had Unprotected Sex and Patient Scenarios
- Care Pathways and Data Analytics for Advancement of Healthcare
- Care Plans for Care Manager
- Care Post Heart Transplant - ICM
- Care Post Lung Transplant
- Carer Assessment and Support
- Carotid Duplex Examination
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Medical Treatment Guidelines
- Case Management Across the Continuum: Acute Care & Community Case Management
- Case Study - Kidney Injury - Podcast
- Case study CPD module: Atrial Fibrillation
- Case Study: Challenges in type 2 diabetes control: slipping control and weight gain
- Case Study: Dementia
- Case Study: Motor Neurone Disease
- Cataracts Presentation Referral and Post-op Care
- Catheter Care
- Catheter Studies - Disease Diagnosis - Radiology
- Catheter Studies - Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
- Catheter Studies - Typical Diagnostic Angiogram and Normal Findings
- Causes and Aetiology of Pain in Cancer
- Causes and Investigation of Coma
- Causes and Risk Factors for Primary and Secondary Pneumothorax
- Causes and Risk Factors for Primary and Secondary Pneumothorax
- Causes and Symptoms of Hypothermia
- Causes of Acute Spinal Cord Compression
- Causes of Airway and Inhalation Injury
- Causes of Anaemia Associated with Breathlessness
- Causes of Anterior, Middle and Posterior Mediastinal Masses
- Causes of Dysuria
- Causes of Falls
- Causes of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Causes of Mediastinal Nodal Disease
- Causes of Mitral Stenosis
- Causes of Nausea and Vomiting in Palliative Care
- Causes of Nocturia
- Causes of Palpitations - Atrial Flutter
- Causes of Postural Hypotension
- Causes, Investigation and Management of Valvular Disease in Pregnancy
- Causes, Investigation and Management of Valvular Disease in Pregnancy
- CEACCP: Abdominal compartment syndrome
- CEACCP: Air leaks, pneumothorax, and chest drains
- CEACCP: Amniotic fluid embolism
- CEACCP: An alternative approach to acid-base abnormalities in critically ill patients
- CEACCP: Anaesthesia and pituitary disease
- CEACCP: Antibiotic resistance in the intensive care unit
- CEACCP: Cardiovascular complications of brain
- CEACCP: Communication skills in critical care
- CEACCP: Diagnosis of brain death
- CEACCP: Diastolic dysfunction
- CEACCP: Donation after circulatory death
- CEACCP: Environmental emergencies in theatre and critical care areas: power failure, fire, and explosion CEACCP - Apr 2015
- CEACCP: Ethicolegal aspects of organ donation
- CEACCP: Evidence-based medicine
- CEACCP: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in adults
- CEACCP: Guillain-Barre syndrome
- CEACCP: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- CEACCP: Lactate physiology in health and disease
- CEACCP: Management of acute liver failure
- CEACCP: Monitoring intracranial pressure, perfusion and metabolism
- CEACCP: Myasthenia gravis
- CEACCP: Neurogenic pulmonary oedema
- CEACCP: Neuromuscular disorders and anaesthesia. Part 2: specific neuromuscular disorders
- CEACCP: One-lung anaesthesia
- CEACCP: Optimal volaemic status and predicting fluid responsiveness
- CEACCP: Pain in the patient with burns
- CEACCP: Pathophysiology of chronic renal failure
- CEACCP: Physiological changes after brain stem death and management of the heart-beating donor
- CEACCP: Point-of-care coagulation testing
- CEACCP: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery
- CEACCP: Principles of intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation
- CEACCP: Propofol infusion syndrome
- CEACCP: Rhabdomyolysis
- CEACCP: Right ventricular failure
- CEACCP: Severe acute pancreatitis
- CEACCP: Statistics I: data and correlations
- CEACCP: Statistics II: Central tendency and spread of data
- CEACCP: Statistics III: Probability and statistical tests
- CEACCP: Statistics IV: Interpreting the results of statistical tests
- CEACCP: Statistics V: Introduction to clinical trials and systematic reviews CEACCP - Aug 2008
- CEACCP: Ventricular assist devices
- Cell Membrane Characteristics and Receptors
- Cellular Metabolism, Enzymes
- Cellular oxygen utilization in health and sepsis
- Cellulitis
- Cellulitis of the Lower Limb
- Cellulitis: clinical review
- Central and Widespread Pain
- Central Venous and Pulmonary Artery Catheters
- Central Venous and Pulmonary Artery Catheters
- Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations of the Brain
- Cerebral Palsy - Advancements in Upper Extremity Therapy
- Cerebral Palsy and Home Based Training
- Cerebral Palsy Motor Control Advancements
- Cerebral Venous Disease
- Cervical cancer
- Cervical Cancer and Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Cervical cord injury and critical care
- Cervical Length in Preterm Labor Prediction
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- Cervical Rib and Brachial Plexus
- Cervical Spine Injury Medical Treatment Guidelines
- Cervicogenic Headaches
- Challenging Communication With Colleagues
- Changing Directions in Diabetes - Podcast
- Changing the Channel: Transforming Interactive Patient Entertainment
- Characteristic Appearances and Differential Diagnosis of Meningiomas
- Characteristics of Clinical Proton Beams
- Characteristics of Ventricular Tachycardia Versus Supraventricular Tachycardia
- Characterizing Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome
- Chat with a Doctor: On-Demand, Asynchronous Physician Advice
- Checking of Anaesthetic Equipment
- Checking Other Anaesthetic Equipment
- Checking the anaesthetic machine
- Checklists, Briefing and Debriefing - ICM
- Chemical Bonds and Reactions
- Chemical Burns
- Chest Trauma: Plain Film Signs, Key Signs and Pitfalls
- Chest X-ray in the Neonate with Cardiac Disease
- Chest X-ray in the Older Child with Cardiac Disease
- Chest X-ray Interpretation In ICU - Anesthesiology
- Chief Experience Officer: New Leader Driving Innovation to Transform Healthcare
- Child as Listener and Speaker Part 1: Non-verbal Apects of Communication
- Child as Listener and Speaker Part 2: Verbal Aspects of Communication
- Child Development: Introduction to Development Part 1: Description and Influences
- Child Mental Health: Getting a Good Start
- Child Protection Level 2 Part A - Recognition
- Child Protection: Level 2 Part B – Response in Secondary Care
- Child Protection: Level 2 Part C - Record in Secondary Care
- Child with a Painful Elbow after Trauma
- Childhood Obesity
- Childhood Obesity, Epidemiology and Bone Thickness
- Childhood Rashes
- Childhood Sepsis
- Children and Bereavement
- Children Learning Two or More Languages
- Chlamydia Screening
- Choice of Airway
- Choosing and Using a Method - After Pregnancy
- Choosing and Using a Method - In the Perimenopause
- Choosing and Using a Method - Young People
- Choroid Plexus, Glioneuronal and Pineal Region Tumours
- Chronic Asthma
- Chronic Cord Compression: Examination Findings
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Yoga
- Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral Bone Disorder - Online Learning Package
- Chronic Kidney Disease - Online Learning Package
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia: a Short Overview
- Chronic Musculoskeletal Conditions and Neuroplasticity in the Central Nervous System
- Chronic Osteomyelitis - Radiology
- Chronic Pain & Mental Health
- Chronic Pain in Children
- Chronic Pain Management
- Chronic Post-surgical Pain
- Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease and Non-Invasive Ventilation
- Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Meeting the Challenges
- Chronic Wrist Pain Hx Trauma
- Classic ECGs and Infarct Territories
- Classification and Function of Ventilators
- Classification of Shock
- Classifications for Antiarrhythmic Drugs
- Clavicle Fractures
- Clearance and Volume of Distribution
- Climate Change and Zoonoses
- Clinic Economics: What Clinic Numbers Actually Look Like - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Clinical Approach To Brief Advice
- Clinical Assessment of the Pregnant Patient
- Clinical Data Registries: Solving for Interoperability
- Clinical Effects of Anaesthetic Techniques on the Respiratory System
- Clinical Examination of the Patient with a Suspicious Breast Lump
- Clinical Findings Associated with Spinal Cord Compression
- Clinical Governance
- Clinical Implications of Microbiome in Chronic Respiratory Disease
- Clinical Management of Mechanical Ventilation 1
- Clinical Management of Mechanical Ventilation 2
- Clinical Manifestations of Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy
- Clinical Pathways: Ensuring the Right Patients Get the Right Care - Webinar
- Clinical Process Improvement for Scalable Quality Governance
- Clinical review: The role of the intensive care physician in mass casualty incidents: planning, organisation, and leadership
- Clinical Signs During Inhalational Induction - Anesthesiology
- Clinical Studies Part One: Cohort Studies and Measures of Association
- Clinical Studies Part Two: Study Design
- Clinical Trials: What’s the Point? - Webinar
- Closing the Consultation
- Closing the Consultation
- Closing the Gap: Risk Insights at the Point of Care
- Clostridium difficile Infection in the Intensive Care Unit
- Closure of Defects Following Dehiscence of Sternotomy Wounds
- CMS Hospital CoPs Part V: Infection Control, Discharge Planning, Organ, Tissue & Eye Procurement, Surgery & Anesthesia, Outpatient, Emergency, Rehabilitation & Respiratory
- CMS Hospital Infection Control Standards & Antibiotic Stewardship
- CMS Medical Records: Hospital CoPs and Proposed Changes
- CMS to Hospitals: How to Overcome the QAPI Worksheet and Standards
- CMS Utilization Review Standards
- Co2 Carriage in Blood and Acid-Base Equilibrium
- Coarctation of the Aorta
- Coccygodynia - Pathogenesis, Treatment Options
- Coccygodynia – diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment options
- Cold Injury
- Collaborative Oncology
- Colon Evacuation Proctography and Pelvic Floor Anatomy
- Colorectal Cancer 18-FDG PET/CT
- Comfort Care for Patients with Non-Survivable Burns
- Common and Serious Respiratory Causes of Cough
- Common and Serious Respiratory Causes of Cough
- Common Breathing Sytems (anaesthesia)
- Common Carpal Bone Fractures
- Common Causes of Pulmonary Diseases
- Common Chronic Pain Conditions 1 PHN, PDPN, TGN
- Common Clinical Problems: Acute Intestinal Haemorrhage
- Common Clinical Problems: Imaging the Abdomen in the Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU)
- Common Clinical Problems: Imaging the Septic Patient Post-Abdominal Surgery
- Common Clinical Problems: Investigation of Weight Loss
- Common Clinical Problems: Jaundice
- Common Conditions (Paramedic: mental health presentations)
- Common Electrolyte Disorders (K, Mg Po4)
- Common Electrolyte Disorders (Na)
- Common Emergencies in Palliative Care
- Common ENT Conditions in Children
- Common Equipment Problems (anaesthesia)
- Common Injections & Joint Aspirations for MSK Injuries 1
- Common Injections & Joint Aspirations for MSK Injuries 2
- Common Motor/Movement Problems Part 1: Normal Variations
- Common Motor/Movement Problems Part 2: Motor Disorders
- Common Neonatal Problems
- Common Nutritional Problems in Pre-schoolers
- Common Pain Conditions in Older People
- Common Symptoms in Palliative Care 1
- Common Symptoms in Palliative Care 2
- Common Uroradiological Syndromes: Autosomal Dominant Syndromes
- Common Uroradiological Syndromes: Other Syndromes
- Common viral illnesses in intensive care: presentation, diagnosis, and management
- Commonly Used Opioids
- Communicating the Plan of Management and Palliative Care
- Communicating With Families
- Communicating with Geriatric Patients
- Communicating with Ill People
- Communicating with Non-English Speaking Patients Approaching the End of their Life
- Communicating with Patients - Radiology
- Communicating with Patients who Speak Little or No English
- Communication and Co-ordination of Care for the Complex Obstetric Patient
- Communication at the End of Life
- Communication Impairments Part 1: Late-talking Toddlers and Specific Language Impairment
- Communication Impairments Part 2: Specific Speech Impairments
- Communication Impairments Part 3: Cleft Palate, Hearing Impairment, Stammering and Selective Mutism
- Communication Impairments Part 4: Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome and AAC
- Communication Skills
- Communication Skills
- Communication Skills - General Practice
- Communication Skills for Administrative Staff, Volunteers and Other Non-clinical Workers
- Communication Skills for FGM Consultations
- Communication: Giving Results to Patients - Radiology
- Communication: Use of Language to Explain Procedures - Radiology
- Communications, Relationships and Trust
- Community Acquired Pneumonia
- Community Acquired Pneumonia
- Community Orientation
- Community-Based Drop-In Services For Young People
- Comorbidities and Complications
- Compartment Anatomy of the Arm
- Completion of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death Part 3: Scenarios
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Complex Wrist Ligament Injuries
- Complications of Diabetes
- Complications of Myocardial Infarct
- Complications of Open Fractures of the Lower Limb
- Complications of Post-Cardiac Surgery
- Comprehensive Approach
- Concepts of Puberty
- Concussion - Mild Trauma
- Concussion in the Sport Position Statement: Part 1
- Concussion in the Sport Position Statement: Part 2
- Conducting an Audit and Feedback
- Conducting System of the Heart
- Conference Highlights: Anesthesiology 2016 for Surgeons
- Conference Highlights: CHEST 2016
- Conference Highlights: CROI 2017
- Conference Highlights: IDWeek 2016
- Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records
- Confidentiality, Consent and Chaperones
- Confidentiality: Formal and Accidental Disclosures
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Congenital Heart Defect
- Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation
- Connective Tissue Disease
- Consent - Radiology
- Conservative Management of Pressure Ulcers
- Constipation
- Constipation in ICM
- Consulting with Children
- Context of Assessment: Cultural and Language Issues
- Continence Care
- Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems
- Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion
- Contraception
- Contraceptive Choice
- Contrast Media
- Contrast Studies of the Upper GI Tract Including Normal Anatomy
- Control of Systemic Blood Pressure
- COPD Manual Diaphragm Manipulation
- Coronary Circulation
- Coronary Circulation
- Corticosteroids, Thyroxine and Drugs Used in Thyroid Disorders
- Cough: Investigation and Management and BTS Guidelines
- Cough: Investigation and Management and BTS Guidelines
- Counselling for Post-Partum Family Planning
- CPR, Defibrillation and Anaphylaxis
- CPR: A Comprehensive Review of the Concepts Behind the Lifesaving Procedure
- Crafting the Perfect Collaboration: How do You Align Hospitalists, Physician Advisors, ED Physicians, and Other Heavy Hitters?
- Cranial Nerves and Base of Skull
- Cranial Ultrasonography in Infants: Common Pathologies
- Cranial Ultrasound: Technique and Normal Appearances
- Create a Data-Driven Process to Manage the Quadruple Aim
- Create and Scale a Joint Telehealth Support Model with Vendors
- Creating a Population Health Strategy That Scales
- Creating a Safe Environment for the Use of Lasers and Other Optical Radiation Devices
- Creating an EHR-Based Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
- Creating an Open Fair and Informed Culture
- Creating Strategic Alignment for a Value-Based World
- Crisis Resource Management
- Criteria for Diagnosing Osteoporosis
- Critical Appraisal - Therapy RCT
- Crohn's Disease
- Cross-cultural Communication
- Cross-cultural Communication
- Crosswalk to Advance Directives: What Healthcare Providers Should Know
- Crosswalk to Compliance: CMS Hospital CoPs Part I
- Crosswalk to Compliance: CMS Hospital CoPs Part II
- Crosswalk to Compliance: CMS Hospital CoPs Part V
- Crouzon Syndrome
- Cryptosporidiosis and Microsporidiosis - HIV
- Cryptotia
- CT Anatomy: Lobes, Segments and Airways
- CT Anatomy: Pulmonary Lobule and Fissures
- CT Basics Module 10: Additional Applications
- CT Basics Module 11: Pathology Part 1
- CT Basics Module 12: Pathology Part 2
- CT Basics Module 1: Fundamentals
- CT Basics Module 2: Equipment and Instrumentation
- CT Basics Module 3: Data Acquisition
- CT Basics Module 4: Image Processing and Reconstruction
- CT Basics Module 5: Patient Safety
- CT Basics Module 6: Image Quality
- CT Basics Module 7: Procedures
- CT Basics Module 8: Cross-sectional Anatomy of the Head and Neck
- CT Basics Module 9: Cross-sectional Anatomy of the Chest, Abdomen, and Pelvis
- CT in Congenital Heart Disease
- CT Spinal Imaging
- Cultural and Religious Diversity and Bereavement
- Cultural and Spiritual Considerations in ACP
- Cultural Competence
- Cultural Competence and Maternity Services
- Cutaneous Vasculitis I: Small Vessel Vasculitides
- CVD and HIV patients
- CVD: Social Determinants of Risks & Outcomes
- CXR: Reticular Patterns (Differential)
- CXR: Septal Lines
- Cybersecurity Risk Management at a National Post-Acute Care
- Cybersecurity: Achieving Prevailing Practices
- Cytomegalovirus
- Dandy Walker Complex
- Data Collection in Burns
- Data-Driven Patient Care: Making eCQMs Work for You
- Day Case Surgery and Anaesthesia 3
- Day to Day Management
- Day-case Surgery and Anaesthesia 1: Advantages and Organization
- Day-case Surgery And Anaesthesia 2: Patient Selection and Discharge Criteria
- De-escalation
- Dealing with Challenging Relatives
- Dealing with the Unconscious Patient
- Decreasing Disruptive Behavior for Better Patient Outcomes (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Defibrillators and Pacemakers
- Definition and Description of Bronchiectasis
- Definition and Description of Bronchiectasis
- Definition and Diagnosis
- Definition and Mechanisms of Underlying Pain
- Definition of Postural Hypotension
- Definition of Stroke
- Definitions and Simple Circuits - Anesthesiology
- Definitions of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Degenerative Disc Disease and Discogram IDET
- Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disease
- Dementia and Effects of Exercise
- Dementia Therapy Solutions
- Democratizing Patient Data: A Story of Patient Empowerment
- Demographic Characteristics and Hidden History of People with Learning Disabilities
- Density and Viscosity
- Dental and Maxillo-facial Radiography: Session 4
- Dental Health Promotion
- Deploying a Holistic Identity Management
- Depth of Anaesthesia: Incidence and Management of Awareness
- Designing From the Inside Out: Taking a Strategic Approach
- Detectors for Radiation Measurement
- Developing a Transition Programme
- Developing an Enterprise Imaging Strategy
- Developing Person Centred Care Skills
- Development Of Normal Eating Behaviour
- Developmental Coordination Disorder: Sensorimotor Therapy
- Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip - Radiology
- Developmental Embryology of Heart and Great Vessels
- Developmental Journal Visual Impairment: Developmental Principles (Part 2)
- Developmental Journal Visual Impairment: Developmental Principles Part 1
- Developments in the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in adults: implications for anaesthetists
- Dexmedetomidine: its use in intensive care medicine and anaesthesia
- Diabetes in Pregnancy
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetes Mellitus for the Anaesthetist
- Diabetic Emergencies in Primary Care
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Diabetic Kidney Disease
- Diabetic Neuropathy: Gait Specific Motor Control
- Diagnosing and Managing Eye Problems in Children
- Diagnosing Bacterial Vaginosis
- Diagnosing Inflammatory Arthritis
- Diagnosing Trichomoniasis
- Diagnosing Viral Hepatitis
- Diagnosis and Evaluation of Neuropathic Pain
- Diagnosis and Management of Gout
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperventilation Syndrome
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Hyperventilation Syndrome
- Diagnosis of Endocarditis
- Diagnostic Challenges in Mastocytosis: Serum Tryptase, Allele-Specific PCR and GI Pathology
- Diagnostic Testing
- Diagnostic ultrasound of the shoulder — a method for experts only?
- Diaphragm and Pulmonary Vessel Anatomy
- Diarrhoea in ICM
- Diastasis Recti Abdominis and Plank Exercise
- Diastolic dysfunction in anaesthesia and critical care
- Diet and Nutrition Training: Guarantee Superior Patient Care
- Dietary Advice in Diabetes
- Different Presentations of Anginal Chest Pains
- Differential Diagnosis Investigation and Treatment of Chest Pain in Pregnancy
- Differential Diagnosis of Acromioclavicular Joint Erosion
- Differentiating COPD and Asthma
- Differentiating COPD and Asthma
- Differentiation of Causes of Fever
- Difficult Consultations
- Difficult Consultations
- Difficult Conversations in Palliative Care
- Difficult Decisions Assessing Fitness for Work
- Difficult Viral Infections Due to Defects in Innate Immunity
- Difficulties of Treating Interstitial Lung Disease
- Difficulties of Treating Interstitial Lung Disease
- Diffuse Hair Loss
- Diffusion and Perfusion MRI
- Digital Command Center for EHR Implementation
- Digital Transformation Across the Healthcare Ecosystem
- Disability In Adolescence
- Disasters and Humanitarian Emergencies
- Disc Calcification
- Disc Herniation Mobilization Comparisons
- Discharge & Transitional Planning Under the Current & Proposed CMS Rules
- Discharge Planning to Reduce Unnecessary Readmissions
- Discussing 'Do Not Attempt CPR' Decisions
- Disease Notification
- Disinfection
- Disorders of Refraction
- Disparities in Older Patients With Diabetes
- Disrupt Advocacy: Put What You Know to Work for Patients
- Disseminated Gonorrhoea
- Distal Radius Fractures
- Diuretics
- Diversifying your Portfolio: Supplementary Income Panel Discussion - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Dizziness and Imbalance in Primary Care
- Doctors Acting as Medical Witnesses in Australia
- Doctors' Health and Wellbeing
- Documentation, Communication and Coordination
- Documentation, Second Edition
- Does the Early Diagnosis of CKD Really Matter? - Webinar
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence 3 Hour: Focus on Child Abuse
- Domestic Violence and Healthcare
- Domestic Violence Update
- Domestic Violence Update
- Doppler in Intensive Care Echocardiography (DICE): Clinical
- Doppler in Intensive Care Echocardiography (DICE): Theory
- Dragon’s Den / Lion's Lair - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Driving Enterprise ROI by Eliminating Data Silos
- Drug & Dietary Supplement Use Among Seniors
- Drug Addiction, Dependency and Pain - Introduction
- Drug Addiction, Dependency and Pain - Management
- Drug Management of Pain In Palliative Care - Core Knowledge
- Drug-induced Cough and Bronchospasm
- Drug-induced Cough and Bronchospasm
- Drug-induced Hoarseness and Stridor
- Drug-induced Hoarseness and Stridor
- Drugs Acting on The GI Tract
- Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System
- Drugs and Dysphagia Part 1
- Drugs and Dysphagia Part 2
- Drugs and Dysphagia Part 3
- Drugs and the Parasympathetic Nervous System
- Drugs and the Sympathetic Nervous System
- Drugs as Organic Molecules
- Drugs That Can Cause Breathlessness and Underlying Lung Disease
- Drugs Used in an Emergency (anaesthesia)
- Drugs Used in the Treatment of Acute Asthma
- Drugs Which Cause Low Sodium
- Dual Process Theory
- Duct Ectasia
- Due Diligence for Health IT Investments
- Duplex and Color Doppler of the Kidney
- Duplex Diagnosis of Lower Extremity Venous Thrombosis
- Duplex Ultrasound of Carotid Stents
- Dying in Acute Hospitals
- Dying in Intensive Care
- Dynamic Renography
- Dystonia: Current Knowledge and Treatment
- Early breast cancer: clinical review
- Early Mobilization in Patients with Stroke
- Early Pregnancy Loss
- Early-Detection Pediatric Sepsis Algorithm
- Eating Disorders In Young People
- ECG Interpretation in the Bradycardic Patient
- Echogenic Fetal Kidneys: Differential Diagnosis and Postnatal Outcome
- ED Hot Legal & Regulatory Issues
- ED Patient Safety Update
- Educating the Next Generation of Physician Informaticians
- Effective Communication with People Who Have Learning Disabilities
- Effective Referrals to Other Clinical Teams
- Effects of Anaesthesia on Lung Function
- Effects of Pathology on Component Parts of Secondary Pulmonary Lobule on HRCT
- Efficacy of Multimedia in Patient-Physician Interactions
- Elbow Examination
- Elbow Fracture 1
- Elbow Fracture 2
- Elbow Injuries
- Elbow Pain
- Elbow Soft Tissue Injuries
- Elder Abuse
- Electrical Injuries
- Electrical Safety (anaesthesia)
- Electrical Safety 1: Biological Effects, Electrical Hazards
- Electrical Safety 1: Biological Effects, Electrical Hazards
- Electrical Safety 2
- Electro-oculography
- Electromagnetic Radiation
- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Electronic Circuits - Anesthesiology
- Electrotherapy the Weird and the Wonderful: Academy of Physical Medicine with Tim Watson
- Embedding IT Experts to Solve Complex Care Challenges
- Embracing Longitudinal Person-Centered Care Plans
- Embryology and Development of the Male Genitalia
- Embryology of the Urinary Tract
- Emergency and Transport Ventilators
- Emergency Cardiac Procedures: Pathology
- Emergency Contraception
- Emergency Contraception - Cases
- Emergency CT Brain Interpretation
- Emotional Development
- Emotional Support and Signposting
- Empathising with the Patient - Radiology
- Emphysema
- Empowering Data-Driven Health
- Enabling a Stronger, More Skilled Global eHealth Workforce
- Encouraging Feedback and Using it
- End of Life Care
- End of Life Care and Palliative Care
- Endocrine Causes of Fever
- Endocrine Problems in Primary Care - An Overview
- Endocrine: Acute Endocrine Crises
- Endocrine: Parathyroid Lumps
- Endogenous Catecholamines
- Endometrial Neoplasia
- Engaging and Empowering Patients: Redesigning Patient Care
- Engaging Children and Young People
- Engaging Children and Young People
- Enteral Nutrition
- Enzymatic Debridement Agents in Burn Wounds
- Enzyme Induction and Inhibition
- Epidemiology and Aetiology of Burns
- Epidemiology and the Impact of Pain
- Epidemiology: Basic Principles
- Epilepsy and Anaesthesia
- Epilepsy in People with Learning Disabilities
- Epilepsy in Pregnancy
- Equipment - Humidification
- Equipment for Peripheral Nerve Block
- Equipment used In Epidural Anaesthesia
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Erectile dysfunction — diagnosis and treatment
- Error Wisdom and Patient Safety
- ESC Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure
- ESH/ESC Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension
- Essential Techniques in Practice
- Essential Techniques in Practice
- Essentials of Digital Imaging Module 1: Fundamentals
- Essentials of Digital Imaging Module 2: Processing
- Essentials of Digital Imaging Module 3: Display
- Essentials of Digital Imaging Module 4: Image Analysis
- Essentials of Digital Imaging Module 5: PACS
- Essentials of Digital Imaging Module 6: Dose Reduction and Patient Safety
- Essentials of Digital Imaging Module 7: Quality
- Essentials of Hypertension - Webinar
- Estimation and decision making
- Estimation of Burn Extent
- Ethical Challenges in the 21st century Part 1
- Ethical Challenges in the 21st Century Part 2
- Ethical Data Use as a Driver of Clinical and Business Intelligence
- Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Social Media in Healthcare
- Ethical Issues at the End of Life
- Ethical Tensions in the Consultation
- Ethical Tensions in the Consultation
- Ethics & Jurisprudence for Indiana Physical Therapist
- Ethics & Jurisprudence for the Illinois Physical Therapist
- Ethics & Jurisprudence for the Wisconsin Physical Therapy
- Ethics - Consent
- Ethics - Human Rights
- Ethics - Life and Death Dilemmas - Radiology
- Ethics and Equity in Planning Services
- Ethics and Law - Professional and Legal Focus
- Ethics of the Placebo in Clinical Practice
- Ethics, Laws, Regulations for California Physical Therapists
- Ethics: Background and its Importance
- Ethics: Using the Deliberative Process
- Ethnicity and Culture
- Ethnicity and Culture
- Etomidate
- Evaluation and Advice on Good Inhaler Technique
- Evaluation and Advice on Good Inhaler Technique
- Evaluation of Lower Extremity Bypass Grafts
- Evaluation of Treatment Outcome in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate
- Evaluation of Vitreo-retinal Lesions
- Evidence-based Practice: Case-based Assessment
- Evolutionary implementation of GS1 standards in the area of medical devices in the University Clinical Center in Gdansk, Poland
- Evolving Therapies For Severe Asthma The Role Of The GP
- Examination of a 20-Year-Old with Acute Ear Pain
- Examination of a 20-year-old Woman with Episodes of Breathlessness
- Examination of a 30 Year Old Woman with a Recurrent Headache
- Examination of a 30-Year-Old with Anterior Knee Pain
- Examination of a 40-year-old with Mechanical Back Pain
- Examination of A 40-Year-Old Woman With Palpitations
- Examination of a 40-Year-Old Woman with Symptoms of an Overactive Thyroid
- Examination of a 50-year-old with a Painful Eye
- Examination of a 54-Year-Old with Acute Upper Right Abdominal Pain
- Examination of A 60-Year-Old Man With Intermittent Claudication
- Examination of a 60-year-old Man with Unilateral Hearings Loss
- Examination of a 60-Year-Old Smoker With Shortness of Breath
- Examination of a 60-Year-Old Woman with Shoulder Pain
- Examination of a 73-year-old Woman Presenting After a Suspected TIA
- Examination of a Middle Aged Female Patient with Hand Symptoms
- Examining Proneness to Malpractice Claims
- Excitable Tissues and Biological Potentials
- Exercise and Diet
- Exercise Effects on Cancer Survivors
- Expanding Access to Advance Care Plans with HIE
- Explaining and Consent
- Explaining, Motivating And Empowering
- Exploring the Darknets
- Extracorporeal Liver Support
- Extraglottic Airway Devices
- Eye Assessment and Examination
- Face Masks and Oxygen Delivery Devices
- Facial Pain Principles and Management
- Facial Skeleton
- Factors Affecting Dose in Radiography
- Failure to Diagnose, Second Edition.
- Fall on Outstretched Hand
- Fall Prevention and Fire Departments
- Falls Assessment and Management for Paramedics
- Falls Assessment in Older People
- Faltering Growth
- Family Medicine. Collaborative Care Panel Discussion Series
- Fantastic Twos - Common Behavioural and Emotional Problems Part 1: Theory
- Fantastic Twos - Common Behavioural and Emotional Problems Part 2: In Practice
- Fascia: Surgery and Scarring
- Feeding Children with Development Difficulties
- Feeding Difficulties
- Feeding Preterm Infants in Neonatal Units
- Feeding the Malnourished Burn Patient
- Femur Fractures
- Fetal Bronchopulmonary Sequestration
- Fetal Heart Rate Nomenclature, Interpretation, and Management
- Fever and Febrile Convulsions
- FGM: Issues, Presentation and Management in Children and Young Women
- FGM: Issues, Presentation and Management in Women and Around Pregnancy
- Fick Principle & IOP - Anesthesiology
- Filters, Humidifiers and Scavenging Systems (anaesthesia)
- Finger Injuries and Fractures 1
- Finger Injuries and Fractures 2
- Finger Injuries and Fractures 3
- Finger Tip Infections
- First Aid Awareness
- First Fit: Investigation and Management
- First Hour Care of the Term Newborn Infant
- First Prescription of Oral and Patch Contraception
- First Trimester Screening for Chromosomal and Structural Malformations
- Five Ways Real-Time Notifications Can Improve Population Health
- Flash Visual Evoked Potentials
- Fluid Balance and Homeostasis
- Fluid Balance Homeostasis
- Fluid Dynamics of Vascular Access - Webinar
- Fluid management for trauma; where are we now?
- Fluid Resuscitation in Burns
- Fluoroscopic Investigations of the Genito-Urinary Tract
- Fluoroscopic Investigations of the Small Intestine - Radiology
- Foetal Echocardiography
- Following Up Assessments and Evaluating Outcomes
- Foot Fracture 1
- Foot Fracture 2
- Foot Pain
- Foot Problems in Older People
- Foot Soft-tissue 1
- Foot Soft-tissue 2
- Forearm Fractures
- Forearm, Wrist, & Hand Soft-tissue Injuries
- Foreign Bodies Trauma and Burns Affecting the Eye
- Forensic Aspects of Burns
- Forgetfulness, Stress or Mild Dementia? Cognitive Assessment of Older Patients
- FPIES: What We Know, What We Don’t Know and What We Still Need to Know
- Fractures and Pathology
- Fractures of Metacarpals and Phalanges
- Fractures: Classification of Fractures
- Fractures: Complications of Fractures
- Fractures: Managing Fractures
- Frailty and Falls in People with CKD - Webinar
- Framework for End of Life Care in Advanced Kidney Disease
- From Big Data to Big Knowledge: Optimizing Medication Management
- From Cradle to Grave - Taking Care of Business Summit
- From Implementation to Optimization: Moving Beyond Operations
- From the Ground Up: Building a Business - Interactive Business Planning Workshop - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Full-field Electroretinography Part 1
- Full-field Electroretinography Part 2
- Function of Haemoglobin in Oxygen Carriage
- Functional Liver Anatomy and Blood Supply
- Functional Neuroanatomy
- Functions of Nerve Cells 1
- Functions of Nerve Cells 2
- Functions of the Placenta
- Fundamentals for Interpreting Noninvasive Vascular Testing Part 1: Basics of Duplex Ultrasound Examinations
- Fungal infections and critically ill adults
- Further Diseases of the Appendix and Colon
- Gait - Effects on Posture and Gait While Walking and Texting
- Gait Rehabilitation - Brain Computer Interfaces
- Gall Bladder Disease
- Gas and Vapour Controls (anaesthesia)
- Gas Cylinders
- Gas Laws
- Gas Monitoring of Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Anaesthetic Agents
- Gas Storage
- Gaseous Exchange: Hyper- and Hypo-Baric Pressures
- Gaseous Exchange: Hypoxia and Hyper- and Hypo-Capnia
- Gaseous Exchange: Oxygen
- Gases and Vapours
- Gases and Vapours (anaesthesia)
- Gases in Solution
- Gastric Emptying
- Gastric Function
- Gastro-oesophageal Cancer 18 FDG PET/CT
- Gastrointestinal Complications of Burns
- Gastrostomy Insertion
- Gathering Information
- Gathering Information
- Gathering Information and Exploring Sensitive Issues
- General Anaesthesia: Spontaneous Ventilation with an LMA
- General Anaesthesia: Ventilation with an ETT
- General Approach to Assessment of Symptoms - Palliative Care
- General Approach to CTA
- General Developmental Principles
- General Paediatric Trauma - Special Considerations
- General Preoperative Measures (anaesthesia)
- General Principles of Poisoning
- General Principles of Reporting Contrast Studies - Radiology
- General Radiation Protection - Radiology
- General Scoring Systems For Assessment of Injured Patients
- General Surgery Abdominal Swelling
- General Surgery Change in Bowel Habit
- General Surgery: Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage - Upper
- General Surgery: Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage Lower
- General Theatre Conduct (anaesthesia)
- Generic Signs on Plain Radiographs - Part I
- Generic Signs on Plain Radiographs - Part II
- Genetics
- Genital Herpes, Virology and Pathogenesis
- Genital Lumps
- Genital Lumps and Infestations
- Genital Ulcerations
- Genitourinary Disease: Haematuria
- Genitourinary Disease: Loin Pain
- Genitourinary Disease: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
- Genitourinary Disease: Renal Failure
- Genitourinary Disease: Scrotal Swellings
- Genitourinary Disease: Urinary Retention
- Genomics Nursing and the EHR
- Getting the Most Out of Supervised Learning Events: Reflection After Feedback
- Getting to Yes: Exchanging Information to Better Coordinate Patient Care
- Glandular Fever
- Global Health Challenges: The Burden of Injury
- Global Health Challenges: The Burden of Injury and Research ll
- Gonorrhoea: Natural History and Management
- Goodpasture's Disease Signs and Symptoms
- Goodpasture's Disease Signs and Symptoms
- Graft Imaging and Intervention
- Gram-negative Bacilli
- Gram-positive Cocci
- Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis and Other ANCA-Associated Vasculitides
- Great Vessels, Main Peripheral Arteries and Veins
- Green Dialysis - Webinar
- Grey Matter Disorders Including Abnormalities of the Basal Ganglia
- Grown-Up Congenital Heart Disease
- Growth Charts and their Interpretation
- Guidance on Implementing Antibiotic Stewardship
- Guidelines for Management of Asthma
- Guiding and Enabling Behaviour Change
- Gynaecological Cancers
- Haematemesis and Melaena: Causes, Risk Stratification and Management
- Haematological Problems in the Critically Ill - Anesthesiology
- Haematuria
- Haemofiltration and Dialysis
- Haemorrhage and Hypovolaemia
- Haemostasis and Coagulation
- Hamstring Stretches - Frequency Required to Maintain Knee Extension Range of MotioN
- Hand - Metacarpal and Thumb Injuries
- Hand and Wrist Pain
- Hand Hygiene, OR Attire, OR Traffic: What is the Data and Can We Make a Difference? (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Hand, Wrist, and Elbow: Academy of Physical Medicine with Elliot Sorene
- Handover
- Hard to Reach and Seldom-heard Families
- Harnessing EHR Data for Local Population Health Monitoring
- Hazards of Positioning and Pressure Areas
- Head Injuries: Assessment and Management in Primary Care
- Headache and migraine - causes, prevention and treatment
- Health (Blood Borne Infection) and Handling Stress
- Health Care Without Walls Learning Session
- Health Checks for Adults with Learning Disabilities
- Health Communication and Young People: Setting the Scene
- Health Effects of Cannabis in Healthcare
- Health Inequalities
- Health Inequalities
- Health Promotion
- Health Promotion
- Health Promotion In Clinical Consultations
- Health Promotion in Pregnancy (Smoking) Part 1: Basic Principles
- Health Promotion in Pregnancy (Smoking) Part 2: Health Promotion Approaches and Actions
- Health Promotion in Pregnancy: Obesity
- Health Promotion: Breastfeeding
- Healthcare Transformation Led and Enabled by Disruptive Cloud Technology
- Healthy Development in Adolescence
- Healthy Eating for Toddlers: 1- 4 years
- Hearing Difficulties in Primary Care
- Heart Failure - Anesthesiology
- Heart Failure in End of Life Care
- Heart Healthy Diets: Achieving Guideline Adherence
- Heart Murmurs in Children
- Heat and Temperature
- Heat Removal (Thermal Loading)
- Heat Transfer
- Helping to Reduce Neonatal and Infant Death
- Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Function - Anesthesiology
- Hepatitis A, B and C
- Hepatitis B: Management
- Hepatitis B: Natural History, Presentation and Investigation
- Hepatitis C: Natural History, Presentation and Investigation
- Hepatorenal Syndrome: Update on Diagnosis and Treatment
- Herbs that Tonify Qi
- Herpes Virus Infections in the Immunocompromised
- Heuristics and Bias
- HIE Data: The Value Proposition for Payers and Providers
- HIE Image Sharing for a Statewide Stroke Network
- HIEs, CommonWell, Carequality Can Work Together: Here's How
- High Voltage Supply
- Higher Risk Groups: Extremes of Age and Emergency Surgery (anaesthesia)
- Hilar Enlargement
- Hindfoot Pain: Enthesopathy - Radiology
- Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Non-Surgical Management
- Hip conditions affecting the younger person
- Hip Examination
- Hip Injuries 1
- Hip Injuries 2
- Hip Injuries 3
- Hip Pain
- Hip Pain Following Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Hippotherapy with Neurological Disorders
- History and Examination (anaesthesia)
- History in Collapse
- History of Acute Asthma
- History, Examination and Assessment of Pain
- HIV AIDS in the Thorax
- HIV and AIDS Managing Patients in Today's World
- HIV Diagnosing
- HIV in Pregnancy
- HIV Indicator Conditions
- Holistic Approach
- Holistic Approach
- Home Dialysis First - Online Learning Package
- Home Environment
- Home Haemodialysis Targeted Treatment Program - Webinar
- Home Hospital: Telemedicine for Acute Care Patients
- Hormonal, Metabolic and Inflammatory Responses to Surgery
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do Next
- Hospital Based Services for Young People
- Hospital Social Work
- How AI and Machine Learning are Disrupting the Current Healthcare Ecosystem
- How Allergic Immune Responses are Initiated and Regulated: The Role of Epithelial Cells and Immune System in Allergic Diseases
- How an HIE and a Health Plan Innovated to Improve Medical Reconciliation
- How Analytics Can Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement
- How and When to Do 3-Dimensional Ultrasound Examinations
- How Are You Being Heard? Communicate, Connect and Conquer - Taking Care of Business Summit
- How Bronchial Smooth Muscle Cells Make Airways Hyper-Responsive
- How Chief Digital Officers Can Boost Digital Transformation
- How Data Analytics Reduces Nurse Leakage, Improves Care
- How Data and Analytics Can Improve CV Quality and Outcomes
- How Do I...? Troubleshoot Your Practice Problems - Taking Care of Business Summit
- How Environment Affects Children's Mental Health
- How Physicians Lead Change
- How Scan4Safety helps to support patient safety
- How to Approach Thrombocytopenia
- How To Avoid the Demise Of Small Business - Taking Care of Business Summit
- How to Create a World-Class Financial Service Center
- How to do a Neonatal Contrast Enema
- How to do an Ophthalmology Examination
- How to Document Conversations About Advance Care Planning
- How to Handle Patients’ Questions and Concerns
- How to Interpret and Analyse Paediatric Cranial MRI
- How to Interpret the Paediatric Radiograph
- How to Negotiate Decisions Which May Be Difficult to Implement
- How to Perform Manual Removal of the Placenta after Birth
- How to Perform Myelography
- How to Prevent and Manage Bleeding after Birth (Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage)
- How to Provide Antenatal Care
- How to Resucitate a Newborn Baby
- How to Survive an Active Shooter within a Building
- How to Take a Dizzy History
- How to Take a Headache History
- How to Take a History Red Eye
- How to Take a History Sudden Vision Loss
- How to Use Lasers and Other Optical Radiation Devices Safely
- How to Write a Uroradiology Report
- How Translational Research is shifting the Treatment Paradigm from Symptom Management to Cure
- How Useful Are Discharge Documents for Care Coordination?
- HRCT of Interstitial Lung Disease
- HRCT Patterns
- Human Factors
- Human factors and analysis of adverse events
- Human Factors and Patient Safety in Primary Care
- Human Factors in Practice
- Humerus Fractures
- Humidity
- Hydrostatics
- Hydrotherapy Outcome Measures for People with Arthritis
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
- Hypoplastic Right Heart
- Hypothalamic and Pituitary Function
- Hypothermia in the Elderly: Causes and Multifactorial Nature
- Hypothetico-deductive Decision Making
- Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (Asphyxia)
- ICU Acquired Weakness Therapy Considerations
- Identifying carers
- Identifying Frequent ED Users in HIE Impacts Case Management
- Identifying Hypothyroidism and Interpreting Thyroid Function Tests
- Identifying Overweight and Obesity and Risk Factors for Weight Gain
- Identifying the Patient’s Goals and Priorities
- Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Acute Exacerbations--Unravelling Ariadne's Thread
- Image Formation with a Gamma Camera
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal and Thoracic Ultrasound: Lung Ultrasound
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Adult Liver Transplant
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Aorta - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Aorta - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Bladder
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Introduction and Image Optimisation
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Kidneys
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Miscellaneous
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Paediatric Bowel
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Paediatric Renal
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Pancreas - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Pancreas - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Renal Transplant
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: Spleen
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: The FAST Scan
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: The Gallbladder and Biliary Tree - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: The Gallbladder and Biliary Tree - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: The Liver - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Abdominal Ultrasound: The Liver - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Accessory Projections: Miscellaneous
- Image Interpretation - Accessory Projections: Upper Limb
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Bones of the Thorax - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Bones of the Thorax - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Facial Bones - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Foot - Session 3
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Hip - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Knee - Session 3
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Pelvis - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Self-evaluation - The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Thoracic Spine - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Adult Skeleton (X-ray): Wrist - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Cardiac Imaging: Interventional Cardiac Procedures
- Image Interpretation - Cross-sectional Imaging: Intracranial Haemorrhage
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Ankle and Foot
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Cervical Spine
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Chest
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Facial Bones
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Head
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Neck
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Pelvis, Hip and Knee
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Shoulder and Elbow
- Image Interpretation - CT Anatomy: Wrist
- Image Interpretation - Dental and Maxillo-facial Radiography: Session 3
- Image Interpretation - General Introduction: Dementia
- Image Interpretation - GI and GU Imaging: Urinary Tract Pathology
- Image Interpretation - GI and GU: Computed Tomography Colonography (CTC)
- Image Interpretation - GI and GU: Introduction to Urinary Tract Imaging
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: Abnormal Early Pregnancy
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: Children and Adolescents
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: Fertility
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: Introduction and Image Optimisation
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: Normal Early Pregnancy
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: Postmenopausal Pelvis
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: The Menstrual Cycle
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: The Ovaries and Adnexa
- Image Interpretation - Gynaecological Ultrasound: The Uterus
- Image Interpretation - Head and Neck Ultrasound: Cranial
- Image Interpretation - Head and Neck Ultrasound: Lumps and Bumps
- Image Interpretation - Head and Neck Ultrasound: Lymph Nodes
- Image Interpretation - Head and Neck Ultrasound: Salivary Glands
- Image Interpretation - Head and Neck Ultrasound: Thyroid and Parathyroid
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Elbow - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Elbow - Session 3
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Foot and Ankle - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Foot and Ankle - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Foot and Ankle - Session 3
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Introduction (Musculoskeletal)
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Knee - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Knee - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Wrist and Hand - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Wrist and Hand Session 3
- Image Interpretation - Men's Health Ultrasound: Testes - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Men's Health Ultrasound: Testes - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Men's Health Ultrasound: TRUS of the Prostate Gland and Biopsy
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Abdominal Wall and Groin
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Adult Hip
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Ankle and Foot
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Elbow
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Guided Steroid Injections
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Introduction and Image Optimisation
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Knee
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Neonatal and Paediatric Hip
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Rheumatology
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Shoulder
- Image Interpretation - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Wrist and Hand
- Image Interpretation - Neuroimaging: Neurovascular Anatomy
- Image Interpretation - Neurointervention: Introduction
- Image Interpretation - Neurointervention: Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
- Image Interpretation - Neurointervention: Treatment of Neurovascular Pathology
- Image Interpretation - Nuclear Medicine: Bone Scanning
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Abnormal First Trimester
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Applications of Doppler Ultrasound
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Biochemistry
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Introduction
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Multiple Pregnancy
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Normal First Trimester
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Placental and Cervical Assessment in Pregnancy
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Third Trimester Scanning
- Image Interpretation - Obstetric Ultrasound: Ultrasound-guided Interventional Procedures
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Airspace Opacification
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Emergency, Lines and Instrumentation
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: General Anatomy and Physiology
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Hila, Mediastinum and Heart
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Interstitial Lung Disease
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Introduction
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Nodules
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Pleural Conditions and Diseases
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Self-evaluation
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: The Normal Chest Radiograph
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Anatomy
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Artefacts and Incidental Findings
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Calcifications
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Gas and Soft Tissue Abnormalities
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Introduction
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Lines and Instrumentation
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Normal Abdominal Radiograph
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Self-Evaluation
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Anatomy - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Anatomy - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Cystic
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Infection - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Infection - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Introduction
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Lines, Tubes and Instruments
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Neonatal Disorders - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Neonatal Disorders - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Self-Evaluation Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Self-Evaluation Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: The Normal Chest Radiograph
- Image Interpretation - Radiographs of the Paediatric Chest: Tumours
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Systems - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Extracranial Carotid and Vertebral Systems - Session 2
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Introduction and Image Optimisation
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Lower Limb Arteries
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Lower Limb for DVT
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Vascular Access
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Venous Insufficiency - Session 1
- Image Interpretation - Vascular Ultrasound: Venous Insufficiency - Session 2
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Bone Development
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Child Development - Relevance to Imaging Children
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Fractures
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Introduction
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Pathology
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Pelvis and Hip - Session 2
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 1
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 10
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 11
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 2
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 3
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 4
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 5
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 6
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 7
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 8
- Image Interpretation of the Paediatric Skeleton: Suspected Physical Abuse - Case Study 9
- Image Interpretation – GI and GU Imaging: Computed Tomography Urography
- Image Interpretation – GI and GU Imaging: Imaging of the Bladder
- Image Interpretation – Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Wrist and Hand - Session 1
- Image Quality in Radiography
- Imagine a Hospital Ward Without Code Blue Alarms
- Imaging after Bladder Reconstruction or Diversion
- Imaging and Intervention for Massive Haemoptysis
- Imaging and Intervention in Chronic Mesenteric Ischaemia
- Imaging and Pain
- Imaging Assessment of Cervical Spine Trauma in Adults
- Imaging Bladder Function
- Imaging Loin Pain and Renal Colic
- Imaging Neuroanatomy
- Imaging of Acute Renal Failure
- Imaging of an Incidental Adrenal Mass
- Imaging of Children with Voiding Dysfunction
- Imaging of Lung Cancer
- Imaging of Renal Transplant Dysfunction 1
- Imaging of Renal Transplant Dysfunction: Early Complications
- Imaging of Renal Transplant Dysfunction: Late Complications
- Imaging of Suspected Hydronephrosis and Ureteric Obstruction
- Imaging of the Child with Epilepsy
- Imaging of the Ear
- Imaging of the Indeterminate Renal Mass
- Imaging of the Solid Viscera
- Imaging of the Solid Viscera: MRI of the Solid Parenchymal Organs
- Imaging of the Suprahyoid Neck
- Imaging Scrotal Pain and Scrotal Masses
- Imaging: Coma
- Immunisation in Children
- Immunity
- Immunoglobulin E: The First 50 Years and Beyond
- Immunologic Insights into Environmental Triggers of Asthma
- Impact of Discrimination on Health Status
- Impact of Postnatal Mother and Baby Separation
- Implementation of a Clinical Trial Matching System
- Importance of Good History
- Importance of Good History
- Importance of Homeostatic Control
- Improve Patient Health Through Real-Time ADT Integration
- Improving Asthma Control Dialogue with Patients
- Improving Australia's Organ Donation Rate: Ethical and Practical Issues
- Improving Febrile Infant Care Using Mobile Technology
- Improving Hospital Capacity Management Through Monte-Carlo Simulation
- Improving Provider Accuracy in the EHR
- Improving Quality of Care in Anesthesiology
- Improving Recognition and Management of Bipolar Disorder
- Improving RFID Security in a Healthcare Environment
- Improving Surgical Decision Making
- Improving the Quality and Safety of Care through Health Informatics
- In-Depth Knowledge of Analgesics
- Inappropriate Opioids, Adverse Outcomes and IT Solutions
- Incident Reporting in Primary Care
- Incident Response Lessons from the Front Lines
- Incision and Closure of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
- Increased Density or Thickening of the Skull Vault or Base
- Indications and Evidence for Proton Beam Therapy
- Indications for Postoperative Admission
- Indications for Using Uncrossmatched Blood
- Individual Preferences and Cultural Influences on Symptom Management in Palliative Care
- Infant Feeding Part 1: Breastfeeding
- Infant Feeding Part 2: Formula Feeding
- Infant Feeding Part 3: Weaning
- Infection Control CME
- Infection Control Worksheet & Proposed Changes - T1801092
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Infection Risks (Patient, Theatre, Staff) Laminar Flow
- Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts and Organ Transplant Recipients: Essentials.
- Infections of the Kidneys
- Infections of the Testis and Epididymis
- Infectious and Other Non-Neoplastic Conditions of the Liver
- Infectious Disease Rapid CDS Deployment: A Zika Case Study
- Infective Endocarditis
- Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filters
- Infertility Treatments
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Inflammatory Origins of CRS: Uncovering Opportunities for Disease Prevention and Modification
- Influence of Technique on Chest X-ray
- Influence of Transition Points and Crises on Decision-Making in Symptom Management - Palliative Care
- Informed Consent: Academy of Physical Medicine with Paul Grant and Jo Redman
- Infraclavicular Block - Anesthesiology
- Infratentorial Brain Tumours
- Infusion Devices
- Inguinal Block - Anesthesiology
- Inhalational Anaesthetic Agents
- Inhalational Drug Administration
- Inhaled Foreign Body
- Initial Assessment of the Burn Patient
- Initial Management of Chemical Burns
- Initial Management of Electrical Burns
- Initial Opioid Use & Long-Term Risks
- Initiating Conversations about End of Life Care: COPD
- Injuries of the Craniocervical Junction
- Injury Prevalence in Former Collegiate Athletes
- Injury Prevention
- Inotropes and Vasoconstrictors
- Integrating Evidence-Based Decision Tools Within an EHR
- Integrating Population Analytics and the EHR Environment
- Integrating Self Care into Current Practice
- Intelligent Bed-Flow and Return on Investment
- Intense Pulsed Light and LED Devices
- Intensifying Screens in Radiography
- Interaction of Electrons with Matter
- Interaction of X and Gamma Rays with Matter
- Interactions Between Molecules
- Interindividual Variation in Drug Response
- Intermediate and Non-Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Imaging
- Intermittent Auscultation
- Interoperability in Practice: Pharmacist eCare Plan
- Interoperability Sets the Foundation for Care Coordination
- Interpretation of Investigations: Practical Application
- Interpretation of Ventilation Perfusion Studies: Normality
- Interpreting Family Histories and Identifying Patients Part 1: Autosomal Conditions
- Interpreting Family Histories and Identifying Patients Part 2: Sex-linked Conditions and Conditions with Variable Patterns of Inheritance
- Interpreting Family Histories and Identifying Patients Part 3: Chromosome Anomalies
- Interscalene Block - Anesthesiology
- Interstitial Lung Disease and the Acute Medical Take
- Interstitial Lung Disease and the Acute Medical Take
- Interstitial Lung Disease Case Studies
- Intervening to Reduce Risk - Brief Behavioural Interventions and a Patient at No Apparent Risk
- Intervening to Reduce Risk - Promoting and Teaching Condom Use
- Intervening to Reduce Risk and Promoting Contraception
- Intervening to Reduce Risk Promoting STI Testing
- Interventional Radiology Part 1
- Interventional Radiology Part 2
- Interventions for Colonic Strictures
- Interventions for Liver Cancer
- Interventions for the Failing Liver Transplant
- Intervertebral Disk Degeneration and Smoking
- Intra-Arterial Cerebral Angiography: Indications, Techniques and Complications
- Intracranial Calcification
- Intracranial Infections
- Intracranial Metastases: Imaging and Differential Diagnosis
- Intrapreneurship and the Approach to Innovation from Within
- Intrathecal Drug Delivery
- Intravenous Cannulae and Giving Sets
- Intravenous Fluid Therapy
- Intravenous Fluid Therapy
- Intravenous Fluids
- Intravenous Fluids
- Intravenous Fluids (anaesthesia)
- Intravenous Induction Agents (anaesthesia)
- Intravenous induction sequence (anaesthesia)
- Intravenous Maintenance of Anaesthesia
- Introducing and Using a Developmental Journal
- Introduction Into Federal Laws Every Hospital Should Know and How to Get Copies
- Introduction to Adolescent Health And Illness
- Introduction to Asthma and its Diagnosis
- Introduction to Asthma and its Diagnosis in Children
- Introduction to Basic Radiation Protection
- Introduction to Blood Glucose Monitoring
- Introduction to Carbohydrate Counting
- Introduction to Clinical Decision Making
- Introduction to Common Symptoms and Help-Seeking
- Introduction to Culture
- Introduction to Development Part 2: Assessment and Referral
- Introduction to Diabetes Syndromes
- Introduction to Evidence Based Practice
- Introduction to Evidence Based Practice
- Introduction to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Introduction to Immunisation
- Introduction to Insulin Injections
- Introduction to Iodinated Water-soluble Contrast Media
- Introduction to Learning Disabilities in the Community
- Introduction to Mental Health
- Introduction to MLCF: Demonstrating Personal Qualities
- Introduction to Musculoskeletal Injuries and Assessment
- Introduction to Obesity
- Introduction to Paediatrics for Paramedics
- Introduction to Patient Safety in Primary Care
- Introduction to Patient Safety in Primary Care - A GP's Story
- Introduction to Peritoneal Dialysis - Online Learning Package
- Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Modelling
- Introduction to Physical Examination
- Introduction to Principles of Advance Care Planning
- Introduction to Psychosocial Management in Dermatology
- Introduction to Quality Improvement
- Introduction to Radiology Modalities
- Introduction to the Audiometer
- Introduction to the Brachial Plexus - Anesthesiology
- Introduction to the Healthy Child Programme
- Introduction to Visual Electrophysiology
- Introduction To Youth Friendly Services
- Invasive BP Measurement
- Investigating and Managing Infertility
- Investigation and Management of Acute Confusion
- Investigation and Management of Acute Kidney Injury
- Investigation and Management of Cough
- Investigation and Management of Diarrhoea
- Investigation and Management of Dyspepsia
- Investigation and Management of Haematuria
- Investigation and Management of Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis
- Investigation and Management of Hoarseness and Stridor
- Investigation and Management of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Investigation and Management of Interstitial Lung Disease
- Investigation and Management of Interstitial Lung Disease
- Investigation and Management of Paracetamol Overdose
- Investigation and Management of Paracetamol Overdose
- Investigation and Management of Rarer Causes of Haemoptysis
- Investigation and Management of Sarcoidosis
- Investigation and Management of Sarcoidosis
- Investigation and Management of Urinary Tract Infection
- Investigation and Management of UTI Causing Delirium
- Investigation Management and Treatment of Mitral Stenosis
- Investigation of an Abdominal Mass
- Investing in Young People's Health
- Ionization
- IoT and Wayfinding: Optimizing Healthcare
- Iron Deficiency Anaemia – Causes, Investigations And Treatment
- Iron Deficiency: How to detect it, how to correct it
- Is non-operative management safe and effective for all splenic blunt trauma? A systematic review
- Ischaemic Heart Disease (IHD) - Anesthesiology
- Isomers
- Isotope Cystography
- IUT: Facilitating Choice
- IUT: Insertion
- IUT: Managing Unexpected Situations and Complications
- IUT: Removal
- IUT: Summary of Method
- Jaundice in the Acute Medicine Setting
- Journal Club August 2014 - Online Learning Package
- Journal Club January 2018 - Online Learning Package
- Journal Club March 2018 - Online Learning Package
- Journal Club May 2018 - Online Learning Package
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Keeping the Patient at the Centre of Care
- Keratoconus — diagnosis and management
- Ketamine
- Key Concepts in Managing Complicated Pericarditis
- Kidney Health Australia 2018
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Knee Examination
- Knee Injuries - Intra-articular 1
- Knee Injuries - Intra-articular 2
- Knee Injuries – Extra-articular 1
- Knee Injuries – Extra-articular 2
- Knee Injuries – Extra-articular 3
- Knee Injuries – Extra-articular 4
- Knee Injury
- Knee Injury Medical Treatment Guidelines
- Knee Osteoarthritis: Guidelines for Surgery
- Labia Minora and Labia Minora Labiaplasty Procedures
- Labour and Birth
- Landmarks for Tracheostomy and Cricothyrotomy
- Language Barriers
- Laryngoscopes and Intubation Aides
- Laser-Tissue Interactions
- Left to Right Shunts
- Left Ventricular Function
- Left Ventricular Impairment - Anesthesiology
- Legal and Ethical Issues Embedded in Communication
- Lessons from Functional Genomics: New Data from the AADCRC
- Let’s Get Real: Creating a Practical Data Security Program
- Level 1 - Safeguarding for All Staff Working in a Healthcare Setting
- Level 1 - Safeguarding for All Staff Working in a Healthcare Setting
- Level 2 - Part B - Response in Primary Care
- Level 2 Part A - Recognition
- Level 2 Part B - Response in Primary Care
- Level 2 Part B – Response in Secondary Care
- Level 2 Part C - Record in Secondary Care
- Level 2 Part C – Record in Primary Care
- Level 3 - Introduction: Attaining and Maintaining Safeguarding Competences
- Leveraging HIE for Disaster Preparedness and Response
- Liberating Learning - Classroom and Learner-based Strategy
- Liberating Learning - Patient Based Strategy
- Liberating Learning - Patient Based Strategy
- Life Threatening Abdominal Injury
- Lifestyle Considerations
- Limb Pain and Swelling
- Limitations and Pitfalls
- Listening Skills
- Listening Skills
- Liver Duplex Examination
- Liver Failure
- Liver Transplant Ultrasound
- Liver: Benign Lesions of the Liver - Haemangioma, Cysts
- Liver: Cirrhosis and NASH
- Living Kidney Donation - Webinar
- Local Anaesthesia and Analgesia for Cu-IUD/LNG-IUS Insertion
- Local Anaesthesia for Subdermal Implant Insertion and Removal
- Local Anaesthetic Agents
- Local Anaesthetics
- Local and Regional Anaesthesia
- Logarithms and pH
- Long acting reversible contraception in nulliparous women
- Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) Overview
- Looked After Children Part 1: Challenges and Principles
- Looked After Children Part 2: Influencing Factors and Outcomes of Care Journeys
- Loop of Henle, Distal Tubule and Collecting Tubule
- Low Back Pain and EMG Findings
- Low Back Pain: Ideas for Exercise
- Low Back Pain: The Effect of Changing Movement and Posture Using Motion Sensor Biofeedback
- Low Back Pain: The Role of Fear
- Low Leg Soft tissue Injuries
- Low Level Laser Therapy and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
- Low Level Laser Therapy Effects on Inflammation
- Lower Limb: Foot
- Lower-Limb Amputation - Spinal, Pelvic and Hip Movement Asymmetries
- Lumbar Spine Examination
- Lumbopelvic Rhythm with Trunk Motion
- Lumbosacral Plexus, Nerve Supply to the Leg and Foot
- Lymphatic System and other Circulatory Fluids
- Machine Learning and Big Data to Drive Patient Engagement and Better Health Outcomes
- Macroscopic Anatomy of the Brain, CSF, Meninges
- Magnetic Resonance Angiography
- Magnetism & Current - Anesthesiology
- Maintenance of Anaesthesia and Avoiding Awareness
- Major Obstetric Haemorrhage
- Major trauma: assessment and initial management
- Making Decisions 1
- Making Hospital Services Youth Friendly
- Making the Best Use of MSF A Trainee Guide
- Making the Occupational Link
- Male Breast Disease
- Malignant Hyperthermia - Anesthesiology
- Malignant Melanoma 99m Tc: Sentinel Node
- Malignant Mesothelioma
- Mallet Deformity in the Digit
- Malrotation
- Mammalian Bites In The Emergency Department: Recommendations For Wound Closure, Antibiotics, And Postexposure Prophylaxis
- Management and Referral for Patients with or at Risk of Genetic Conditions
- Management of Acute Back Pain
- Management of Atopic Dermatitis: What's New?
- Management of Bleeding
- Management of Blood Glucose
- Management of Cardiogenic Shock
- Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Management of chronic kidney disease and iron deficiency
- Management of Chronic Pain
- Management of Cognitive Deterioration in Palliative Care
- Management of Common Specific Poisons
- Management of Constipation in Palliative Care
- Management of Depression in Palliative Care
- Management of Drug Induced Breathlessness
- Management of Failed Intubation
- Management of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH)
- Management of Fractures of the Orbital Floor
- Management of Hypo- and Hypercapnia - Anesthesiology
- Management of Hypo- or Hypertension - Anesthesiology
- Management of Inhalation Injury
- Management of Intra-Operative Hypotension and Hypertension
- Management of Intraoperative Arrhythmias - Anesthesiology
- Management of Low Sodium
- Management of Menopause
- Management of Nausea and Vomiting in Palliative Care
- Management of Oronasal Fistula Following Cleft Palate Repair
- Management of Perioperative Arrest
- Management of Physical Deterioration in Palliative Care
- Management of Seizures
- Management of Seizures in Palliative Care
- Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Young People
- Management of Slow and Failed Recovery (anaesthesia)
- Management of Sore Mouth and Other Oral Problems vin Palliative Care
- Management of Spinal Injuries
- Management of STEMI and its Complications
- Management of Symptoms Associated with Wounds in Palliative Care
- Management Of Term Newborn Babies With Hypoglycaemia
- Management of the Sudden Unexpected Death of a Child
- Management of Thyrotoxicosis Including Thyroid Storm
- Management of Thyrotoxicosis Including Thyroid Storm
- Management of Type 2 Diabetes
- Management Strategies for Eating Disorders
- Managing a Patient with Hyperthyroidism in Primary Care
- Managing Adult Respiratory Syncytial Virus
- Managing Bleeding Problems in Hormonal Contraceptive Users
- Managing CFS/ME In Adolescence
- Managing Common Mental Health Problems
- Managing Common Vaginal Bleeding Problems
- Managing Death Rattle in Palliative Care
- Managing Different Types of Pain in Palliative Care
- Managing Distress During The Dying Phase in Palliative Care
- Managing Hormonal Side Effects of Hormonal Contraceptives
- Managing Impalpable Implants
- Managing Knee Pain
- Managing Low Urine Output
- Managing Machine Learning: Insights and Strategy
- Managing Medical Device Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
- Managing Obesity: Treatment Options
- Managing Patients Undergoing General Anaesthesia in the MRI Unit
- Managing Pulmonary Embolism in Special Circumstances
- Managing Pulmonary Embolism in Special Circumstances
- Managing Side Effects/Complications - Cu-IUD/LNG-IUS
- Managing Sports Injuries in Primary Care
- Managing Stinging Insect Allergy in the 21st Century
- Managing Substance Use Problems In Routine Clinical Practice
- Managing the Major Incident
- Managing the Menopause
- Managing urinary tract infections
- Managing Your Emotions
- Managing your Emotions
- Masqueraders of Anaphylaxis/Angioedema
- Mass Posterior Knee - Radiology
- Massage effects on Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
- Mastering the CMS Hospital Infection Control Worksheet
- Materno-fetal Circulation Changes At Birth
- Mathematical Functions
- Mathematical Modelling and Input-Output Principle (IOP)
- Mathematics and Principles of Measurement
- Maximize Your Money Under New CMS & TJC Regulations
- Measuring Case Management Outcomes Within a Value-Based Reimbursement Environment
- Measuring Case Management Success: Does Your Department Make the Grade?
- Mechanism of Action and Contraceptive Effectiveness
- Mechanism of General Anaesthetic Action
- Mechanisms and Effects of Raised Intra-Cranial Pressure
- Mechanisms behind Haemoptysis in Bronchiectasis
- Mechanisms behind Haemoptysis in Bronchiectasis
- Median Nerve Compression Syndromes - Diagnosis
- Mediastinal Masses: Middle and Posterior Mediastinum
- Mediastinal Nodal Disease
- Mediastinum and Contents
- Medical Assessment And Management Of Obesity
- Medical Conditions 2 - Miscellaneous
- Medical Disorders Complicating Pregnancy
- Medical Errors Prevention
- Medical Errors: Unavoidable? (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Medical Gas Supplies (anaesthesia)
- Medical staff, Board, QAPI, Radiological Services, Laboratory Services, Food and Dietary Services, Utilization Review & Physical Environment
- Medically Unexplained Symptoms
- Medication Calculation and the Quality Use of Medicines Quiz
- Medication Errors & ADE; 60+ Tips to Prevent
- Medication Safety and Drug Errors
- Medico-legal Aspects of Palliative Care
- Meeting the Health Needs of the School Age Child
- Memory Problems in Older People
- Meningitis in Children
- Mental Capacity Assessment
- Mental Health Awareness
- Mental Health Promotion in the Perinatal Period
- Mental Retardation/Developmental Delay
- Mesenteric Duplex Examinations
- Mesenteric Ischemia: Pathogenesis and Challenging Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities
- Meta-Analysis and Evidence-Based Medicine
- Metabolic Acidosis: Investigation and Management
- Metabolic and Synthetic Functions of the Liver 1
- Metabolic and Synthetic Functions of the Liver 2
- Metabolic Bone Disease
- Metabolic Pathways
- Metacognition
- Methods of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition
- Methods of Preventing the 'Second Insult' To the Brain
- Methods of Wax Removal
- Microbial Regulation of Allergic Airway Inflammation Lessons from the AADCRC
- Microstructure of the Lungs and Pleura
- Micturating Cystography
- Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler Peak Systolic Velocity in the Evaluation of Fetal Anemia
- Midline Facial Clefts
- Migraine as a TIA Mimic
- Mini-Abdominoplasty
- Minimising Intradialytic Hypotension: The Evidence - Webinar
- Minor Chest Injuries
- Minor Head Injury
- Minor Neck Injury
- Mirena and intra-uterine contraception
- Mobile Health Applications for the Most Prevalent Conditions
- Model Construction: Co2 and Alveolar Ventilation
- Modeling Factors Associated with Healthcare Data Breaches
- Modelling with Mathematics: Examination of Model
- Models of the Consultation
- Models of the Consultation
- Modes of Transport
- Molecular Structure and Isomerism
- Monitoring of Neuromuscular Conduction
- Monitoring the Burn Patient Following Surgery
- Monitoring the Patient with a Major Burn
- Monitoring, Vigilance for Untoward Events and Patient Positioning
- More Than a Signature: Navigating the Complexities of Informed Consent
- Morphine and Other Opioids
- Morton's Neuroma - Radiology
- MRI Advisory - Patient Safety
- MRI Safety: Maneuvering the Maze of ACR, CMS &TJC Standards
- MS and Physical Activity
- Multi-Disciplinary Discharge Planning
- Multi-modal Analgesia
- Multi-Vessel Doppler Studies in Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction
- Multidisciplinary Management of Adolescent Obesity
- Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain
- Multifocal Electroretinogram (mfERG)
- Multimodal Analgesia
- Multiple Sclerosis and Exercise Program Intensity
- Multiple Sclerosis and Mimics
- Multiple Sclerosis and Myotonias - Anesthesiology
- Multiply Injured Child
- Muscle Injury
- Muscle Recruitment in Cycling with Older Adults
- Musculoskeletal Abnormalities of an Iceman
- Musculoskeletal Pain in Children
- Myeloma
- Myocardial Infarction
- Myositis
- N2O and Anaesthetic Agent Monitoring
- Naloxone - management of opiate overdose in a community setting
- Nasal Anatomy
- Nasogastric Tube Placement: Safe Practice and Clinical Governance
- Nasogastric Tube Placement: Using Chest Radiographs to Identify Nasogastric Tube Placement
- National Clinical Guideline for Stroke
- Natural History of HIV Infection
- Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy
- Nausea and Vomiting: Investigations and Management
- Navigating the Gray Areas: Outpatient/Inpatient Hybrids
- Neck Examination
- Neck Pain in Office Workers-Consequences and Supervised Training
- Necrotizing fasciitis
- Needle Stick (Sharps) Injuries - Anesthesiology
- Negotiation
- Neonatal Assessment and Examination
- Neonatal Jaundice
- Neonatal Respiratory Distress: Medical Conditions
- Nerve Stimulators and Temperature Monitoring (anaesthesia)
- Neuroendocrine Imaging with MIBG Somatostatin Receptor Scintigraphy (SRS)
- Neurological MRA
- Neurology & Neurosurgery: Coma
- Neurology & Neurosurgery: Facial Pain
- Neurology and Neurosurgery Headache
- Neuromuscular Blocking Agents (anaesthesia)
- Neurovascular Anatomy
- Neurovascular Ultrasound
- Neutropenic Sepsis and Sepsis in Maternity -Complex Safety Issues and Future Development
- New CMS Guidelines for Dietary Services
- New CMS Radiology & Nuclear Medicine Hospital CoPs
- New Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Management
- New Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Management
- New Pharmacy & Medication Standards
- Newborn Life Support
- Newtonian Mechanics
- Next-Gen Security Technologies for Healthcare Authentication
- NICE lipid modification guidelines: statins for all?
- Nipple Areolar Reconstruction
- Nipple Disorders and Papillary Disease of the Breast
- Nitrous Oxide and Xenon
- Non Invasive Respiratory Support
- Non-Accidental Burns in Children and Vulnerable Adults
- Non-Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants: General Properties
- Non-drug Interventions in Symptom Management in Palliative Care
- Non-IgE-Mediated Gastrointestinal Food Allergies in Children and Adults
- Non-Immune Hydrops
- Non-invasive Blood Pressure Measurement (NIBP)
- Non-invasive Ventilation in Motor Neurone Disease
- Non-Obstructive Jaundice In Surgical Patients
- Non-pharmacological Approaches to the Management of Chronic Pain in Older People
- Non-pharmacological Cancer Pain Management
- Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS)
- Non-Surgical Management of Lymphoedema of the Lower Limb
- Normal Cardiac Anatomy by Echocardiography
- Normal Cardiac CT
- Normal Cardiac Flow Patterns by Echocardiography
- Normal Changes of Ageing
- Normal Gynaecological Anatomy: Uterus
- Normal Gynaecological Anatomy: Vagina and Ovaries
- Normal Heart by Angiography (Incl. Coronary Angiography)
- Normal Liver Anatomy and Examination Techniques
- Normal Variants - Radiology
- Nosocomial Infections and Infection Control
- Novel Biologicals for Asthma and Allergic Rhinosinusitis
- Novel Endotypes of Asthma: Lessons from the AADCRC
- Novice to Expert
- NSAIDS and Sports Injuries
- Nuclear Magnetism and MRI
- Nutrition and Health
- Nutrition Before and During Pregnancy
- Nutrition: Academy of Physical Medicine with Natalia Kerkham
- Nutritional Assessment
- Nutritional Considerations on Musculoskeletal Medicine: Academy of Physical Medicine with Matt Walden
- Nutritional Management and Plastic Surgery
- Nutritional Requirements In Adolescence
- Nutritional Requirements in Major Burns
- NYP OnDemand: The Next Generation of Care Delivery
- Obese Toddlers and Infants
- Obesity In Young People
- Obesity Prevention in Children
- Obstructed Labour: An Introduction for Midwives
- Obstructive Lesions
- Occupational Exposure to HIV
- Ocular Masses and Tumours
- Oesophageal Doppler - Anesthesiology
- Oesophageal Doppler Cardiac Output Monitoring
- Oesophageal Doppler Cardiac Output Monitoring
- Oesophageal Leaks, Fistulae and Strictures
- OHI: Healthcare Interoperability at the Olympic Games
- Oligohydramnios: Sonographic Assessment & Clinical Implications
- Omaphalocele
- Opioid Drugs: General Properties and Mechanisms of Action
- Opioids - Basic Principles
- Opioids In Paediatrics - Anesthesiology
- Opioids In Pain Management in Palliative Care: Advanced Knowledge
- Opioids with Weak and Partial Agonist Ativity and Opioid Antagonists
- Optic Pathways, Visual Fields, Motor and Sensory Innervation
- Optimizing Care Transitions Across the Continuum
- Options for Nutritional Care
- Order Sets, Protocols, Preprinted & Standing Orders: CMS Interpretive Guidelines and Regulations
- Organ Trauma Vascular Extrinsic Trauma
- Organ Trauma Vascular Iatrogenic Trauma and Intravascular Drug Abuse
- Organ Trauma: Blunt Abdominal Trauma
- Organ Trauma: Managing Skin Loss with Use of Skin Grafts and Skin Flaps
- Organ Trauma: Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
- Organ Trauma: Peripheral Nerve Injuries
- Organ Trauma: Pneumothorax
- Organ Trauma: Spinal Cord Injuries
- Organ Trauma: Splenic Trauma
- Organ Trauma: Thoracic Trauma
- Organising your practice to support carers
- Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal Airways
- Osmolarity: Partition of Fluids Across Membranes
- Osmosis
- Ossification - Radiology
- Osteochondral Lesions - Radiology
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoporosis and Bone Densitometry
- Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women: Key Aspects of Prevention and Treatment
- Osteoporosis: clinical review
- Other Management Issues
- Other Pancreatic Neoplasms
- Other Signs of Cocaine Use
- Other Signs of Cocaine Use
- Our Evolving Journey with Clinical Decision Support
- Out-of-Control Order Sets? Get Control
- Outback to Reef: Meeting Social Needs - Podcast
- Outcome Measures in Severe Lower Limb Trauma
- Outcomes After ED Discharge of the Elderly
- Outcomes and Patient Experience
- Outpatient Total Knee Arthroplasty: How Do We Get There? (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Overactive bladder — diagnosis and treatment
- Overview and Principles of Screening
- Overview of CAH Interpretive Guidelines, CMS Memos, Advance Directives, Emergency Department, Observation & Staffing
- Overview of immunosuppression in liver transplantation
- Overview of Intravenous Fluids - Anesthesiology
- Overview of Monitoring in Critical Care
- Overview of Organ Support
- Overview of Recovery
- Overview of Routine Asthma Monitoring
- Overview of Routine Asthma Monitoring in Children
- Overview of Sepsis
- Oxygen Concentration Analysers
- Oxygen Therapy
- Oxygen Transport and Consumption (anaesthesia)
- Paediatric - Asthma, Eczema and Other Allergies
- Paediatric - Common or Serious Problems That are Easily Missed
- Paediatric - Diabetes and Rare Serious Conditions
- Paediatric - Epilepsy
- Paediatric - Headaches
- Paediatric - Hearing
- Paediatric - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Paediatric - Musculoskeletal Problems
- Paediatric - Non-epileptic Attack Disorders
- Paediatric - Parental Risk Factors
- Paediatric - Soiling
- Paediatric - Supporting Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Paediatric - The Child Not At School
- Paediatric - Vision
- Paediatric - wetting
- Paediatric Body MRI
- Paediatric Bone: Lower Body
- Paediatric Bone: Upper Body
- Paediatric ECG and Arrhythmias
- Paediatric ERGs and VEPs
- Paediatric Intussusception
- Paediatric Mediastinum: Normal Anatomy and Appearances
- Paediatric Neck Masses
- Paediatric Septic Shock
- Pain - Peripheral and Central Mechanisms 1
- Pain Control in Burns
- Pain in Cancer Survivors
- Pain in Children is Different
- Pain Management 101: CMS Opioid, IV Medication, and Blood Transfusion Guidelines
- Pain Management in Children
- Pain Management in Palliative Care
- Pain Management in the Elderly
- Pain Management in the End of Life Patient
- Pain Management in Trauma
- Pain, the Tissues, and the Nervous System
- Painful Clicking Hip in the Adult - Radiology
- Painful Osteoporosis Vertebroplasty
- Painful Scoliosis Part I
- Painless Scoliosis
- Palliative Care Emergencies
- Palliative Care Social Work
- Pancreas: Normal Anatomy and Examination Techniques, Anomalies and Anatomic Variants
- Pancreas: Pancreatitis Diagnosis (Acute)
- Paracetamol
- Parental Relationships Part 1: Influences and Effects
- Parental Relationships Part 2: Practical Methods of Assessment and Support
- Parenting Support Part 1: Definitions and Concepts
- Parenting Support Part 2: In Practice
- Parkinson's Disease Exercise Mode Comparison
- Parkinsonism
- Parkinson’s Disease: Classical Symptoms and Signs
- Parkinson’s Disease: Diagnosis, Investigation, Management
- Part 3: Methyl cycle and Related Pathway Abnormalities – Assessment and Treatment [Part-2]
- Partner Notification - Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Partnerships with Colleagues
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Role of PT
- Pathogenesis of Chronic Rhinosinusitis
- Pathophysiology of Blood Loss
- Pathophysiology of CTG
- Pathophysiology of Diabetes
- Pathophysiology of Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease Causing Cough
- Pathophysiology Presentations and Management of Cocaine-related Chest Pain
- Pathway to Diagnosing Interstitial Lung Disease
- Pathway to Diagnosing Interstitial Lung Disease
- Patient Autonomy and Related Ethics
- Patient Consent
- Patient Engagement: IT Takes a Village
- Patient Partnership
- Patient Partnership
- Patient Pathway in Pencil Beam Scanning
- Patient safety gains in a Brazilian hospital thanks to the implementation of GS1 identifiers
- Patient Selection: The Justification of Patient Exposure - Radiology
- Patient-Centered Care: Exploring the challenges and benefits
- Patient-Controlled Analgesia
- Patients As Consumers: How Leading Providers Are Digitally Transforming Patient Consults
- Pattern Electroretinography
- Pattern Recognition
- Pattern Visual Evoked Potentials (Pattern VEPs)
- Patterns of Atelectasis and Collapse
- Pediatric ASC Challenges (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Pediatric Heat-Related Illness: Recommendations for Prevention and Management
- Pediatric Patient Selection for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (February 2018/2017 Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology)
- Pelvic Angiography: Post Partum Haemorrhage
- Pelvic Angiography: Uterine Fibroid Embolisation
- Pelvic Cystic Lesions
- Pelvic Floor Issues: Incidence, Quality of Life, and Exercise
- Pelvic Fractures after RTA
- Pelvic Pain
- Pelvic Pain
- Pelvic Pain - Male and Female
- Percutaneous Biliary Intervention
- Percutaneous Nephrostomy: Indications, Techniques and Complications
- Pericardial Disease
- Pericardial Effusion
- Pericarditis: Investigation and Management
- Perioperative Analgesia (anaesthesia)
- Perioperative Delirium: Making Sense of All the Confusion
- Perioperative Glucose Control: Creating a Shared Mental Model (January 2018/2017 Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology)
- Perioperative Management of Chronic Pain Patients
- Peripheral Angioplasty: Basics
- Peripheral Arterial Studies: Non-Atherosclerotic Pathologies
- Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease
- Peripheral Circulation
- Peripheral Nerve Blocks of the Forearm
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Peripheral Vascular Disease Acute Limb Ischaemia
- Peripheral Vascular Disease Chronic Limb Ischaemia
- Peripheral Vascular Disease Leg Ulcers
- Peripheral Vascular Disease: Aneurysms - AAA
- Peripheral Vascular Disease: Aneurysms - Peripheral
- Peripheral Vascular Disease: Varicose Veins
- Peritoneal Cavity, Omentum and Abdominal Wall
- Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Insertion - Webinar
- Persistent Consolidation
- Person-centred Care
- Personalizing the Patient Experience Through Intelligence
- Perturbations and Clinical Features Caused by Hypothermia
- Petrous Temporal Bone: Infection, Cholesteatoma and Glomus Tumour
- Pharmacogenomics Within the EHR
- Pharmacokinetic Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacogenomic Differences Between Adults and Children
- Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Anaesthesia
- Pharmacokinetics Principles in Different Patient Groups
- Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological Management of Asthma
- Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Management of Asthma in Children
- Pharmacological Cancer Pain Management
- Pharmacological Changes During Pregnancy
- Pharmacology Essentials - Premedication (anaesthesia)
- Pharmacology: Academy of Physical Medicine with Nigel Hume
- Pharynx: Normal Anatomy and Examination Techniques
- Physical Abuse: Skeletal Injuries
- Physical Health Care for People With Severe Mental Illness
- Physician Engagement As a Catalyst for Clinical and Financial Improvement
- Physics - Light
- Physiologic Testing for Assessment of Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Physiological Effects of Patient Transport: Aeromedical Considerations
- Physiological Effects of Patient Transport: General Principles
- Physiology of Exercise and CPX Testing
- Physiology of Jaundice
- Physiology of Nausea and Vomiting
- Physiology of Obesity and Effects on Organ Systems
- Physiology of Pregnancy and Labour 1
- Physiology of Pregnancy and Labour 2
- Physiology of the Neuromuscular Junction (anaesthesia)
- Pierre Robin Sequence
- Piped Gas Supply
- Pituitary Problems in Primary Care (including Hyperprolactinaemia)
- Planning Pregnancy
- Plant Sterols and Cardiovascular Risk
- Plastic Cannula Use in Home Haemodialysis - Podcast
- Pleural Masses
- Pneumomediastinum and Pneumopericardium
- Point-of-Care Display of Relative Cost Information
- Poisoning
- Poisoning
- Poisons and Toxidromes
- Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Associated Hyperandrogenism
- Poor Concentration and Overactivity 1
- Poor Concentration and Overactivity 2
- Population Health Information Exchange Over a Digital Bridge
- Porphyria - Anesthesiology
- Position Sense Changes With Aging
- Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: A Review of Therapeutic Strategies
- Post Extubation Airway Difficulties - Anesthesiology
- Post Stroke Gait Rehabilitation
- Post-operative Confusion
- Post-operative Electrolyte Management
- Post-operative Management of Endocrine Disorders
- Post-operative Monitoring
- Post-operative Pathophysiology CVS Fluid Balance and Renal Failure
- Post-Partum Coccydynia Muscle Energy Techniques
- Postnatal Depression
- Postnatal depression: clinical review
- Postoperative Analgesia: Basic Principles and Analgesic Ladder
- Postoperative care on the Cardiac ICU
- Postoperative Fluid Management and Antiemetic Therapy - Anesthesiology
- Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) - Anesthesiology
- Postoperative Respiratory Depression is a Real Risk for Our Patients: What is Our Responsibility as Perioperative Physicians? (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Postoperative Respiratory Failure
- Practical Approaches to Improving Adherence and Concordance
- Practical Approaches to Solving Human Error in Cardiac Surgery (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Practical Approaches to Transition
- Practical Aspects in Starting and Sustaining an Intradialytic Exercise Program - Webinar)
- Practical Examples of Drugs used during Maintenance (anaesthesia)
- Practical Issues in Neuropathic Pain Medicine
- Practical Use of X-ray Sets
- Prader Willi: Therapy Considerations
- Pre-Medicant Drugs - Anesthesiology
- Pre-operative Management of Endocrine Disorders
- Pre-pregnancy Counselling
- Pre-Travel Advice
- Precision Medicine: Separating Hype from Reality
- Precocious Puberty
- Preconception Care
- Predictors for Chronic Pain
- Predictors of Critical Illness and Scoring Systems
- Pregnancy and Renal Disease – Expecting the Unexpected - Webinar
- Premature Menopause
- Prenatal Diagnosis
- Preoperative Preparation for Early Surgery of Patients with Burns
- PreOxygenation
- Preoxygenation & e - Anesthesiology
- Preparing for Audit
- Preparing to Be a Good Samaritan
- Prescribing for Older People
- Prescribing in Pregnancy
- Prescribing Long-Term Steroids
- Prescribing Safely in Pregnancy
- Prescribing Safely in Pregnancy
- Prescribing Thyroxine in Primary Care
- Presentation and Identification of Anaphylaxis
- Presentation of an Infant with a Cardiac Problem
- Presenting Features of Pulmonary Embolism
- Pressure
- Pressure Regulator, Pressure Gauge, Flowmeters
- Preventing Infant Abductions: What is Your Responsibility?
- Preventing Ligature Risks: CMS and TJC Guidelines and Requirements
- Preventing Medical Errors: Checklists
- Preventing Medical Errors: Why Do I Make Mistakes?
- Preventing Pregnancy
- Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals
- Prevention of Stress Ulceration
- Prevention of Stress Ulceration
- Prevention Strategies
- Preventive Measures for Urinary Tract Infections
- Primary Adrenal Insufficiency
- Primary Care Assessment of Limb Injuries
- Primary Care Management
- Primary Headache
- Primary School Presentations
- Primary Tumours: Pituitary and Hypothalamus
- Primitive Reflexes: Academy of Physical Medicine with Bob Allen
- Principles of Advanced Life Support
- Principles of Antibiotic Use
- Principles of Invasive and Non-Invasive Monitoring
- Principles of IPPV (anaesthesia)
- Principles of Lower Limb Amputation
- Principles of MRI of the Brain and Spine
- Principles of Nutrition in the Critically Ill
- Principles of OB-GYN Sonography
- Principles of Pain Management
- Principles of Palliative Care
- Principles of Secondary Reconstruction in Burns
- Principles of the Management of Head Injury and Brain Protection
- Principles of Transplant Immunology and Immunosuppression
- Principles of Vascular Sonography
- Prognostication in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest: An advisory statement from the European Resuscitation Council and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
- Promoting Attachment and Wellbeing Part 1: Concepts
- Promoting Attachment and Wellbeing Part 2: In Practice
- Properties of an Ideal Intravenous Induction Agent
- Properties of Ionising Radiation
- Propofol
- Propofol: An Overview - Anesthesiology
- Proptosis and Orbital Masses
- Prospective Risk Assessment in Primary Care
- Protecting Families/Resilience
- Proteins, Cell Signalling and Transcription
- Proven enhancement of patient safety and cost effectiveness in Haemophilia care using the GS1 system’
- Proximal Femoral Fractures
- Proximal Humeral Fractures: Imaging Interpretation
- Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 1)
- Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 2)
- Prudent Use of Antibiotics (Part 3)
- Psoriasis: clinical review
- Psychological Assessment and Approach to Treatment
- Psychological Development
- Psychological Interventions for Dermatology Patients
- Psychological Therapies for Common Mental Health Problems
- Psychosexual Medicine
- Psychosocial Assessment in Dermatology Practice
- Psychosocial Development
- Psychotic Disorders
- Psychotic Disorders
- Pubertal Assessment
- Public Health And Community Management Of Adolescent Obesity
- Pulmonary Circulation
- Pulmonary Haemorrhage
- Pulmonary Hypertension: Part 1
- Pulmonary Hypertension: Part 2
- Pulmonary Stenosis and Atresia with Intact Septum
- Pulse Oximetry
- Qualitative Research
- Quality Improvement for Community and Primary Care Settings
- Quantifying Strabismus
- Radial Scars and Architectural Distortion in the Breast
- Radiation Protection for Proton Beams
- Radiation Safety for the Anesthesiologist and the Pain Physician ( Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Radiation Use and Risks
- Radical Care Transformation with Social Determinant Data
- Radiculopathy
- Radiofrequency Devices
- Radiological Assessment of Aggressive Paediatric Bone Lesions
- Radiological Assessment of Bone Age
- Radiological Assessment of Women with Breast Implants
- Radiological Evaluation of the Loose Total Hip Replacement
- Radiology Review – Lower Extremity X-ray 1
- Radiology Review – Lower Extremity X-ray 2
- Radiology Review – Lower Extremity X-ray 3
- Radiology Review – Upper Extremity X-ray 1
- Radiology Review – Upper Extremity X-ray 2
- Radiology Review – Upper Extremity X-ray 3
- Radiology Review – Upper Extremity X-ray 4
- Radiology, Contracted Services, Emergency Procedures, Visitation, Medical Record, Surgical Services & Anesthesia Services
- Radiology/Injury Review – Cervical
- Radiology/Injury Review – Thoracic and Lumbar
- Radionuclide Imaging Overview
- Radionuclide Imaging to Determine Cardiac Function
- Radiopharmaceuticals
- Rapid Sequence Induction
- Rapidly Growing Mass in the Thigh
- Rarer Causes of Haemoptysis
- Reaction Rates and Thermodynamics
- Real Quality: A Recipe for Healthier Patients and Happier Doctors
- Real ROI: Using RTLS to Improve Pump Utilization and Save $1M
- Recent Trends in Triglycerides
- Recognising and Managing Asthma Attacks
- Recognising and Managing Asthma Attacks in Children
- Recognising and Managing Fatigue in Palliative Care
- Recognising and Managing Malignant Spinal Cord Compression in Palliative Care
- Recognising Common Mental Health Problems
- Recognising Patients Nearing End of Life
- Recognising the Last Months and Days of Life and Verifying Death - Palliative Care
- Recognising Your Own Limitations in Symptom Management in Palliative Care
- Recognition and Initial Management of Common Anaemias
- Reconstruction of Isolated Defects of the Nose
- Reconstruction of the Burned Face
- Reconstruction of the Burned Neck
- Reconstruction of the Cheek
- Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children
- Recurrent BV, Candida and TV
- Recurrent Chest Infections
- Recurrent Wheeze in Children
- Red Blood Cells: Haemoglobin and its Variants
- Red Eye Case Study 1
- Red Eye Case Study 2
- Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance: An Introduction
- Reducing Physician Burnout: Mitigating Impact of the EHR
- Reducing Stress and Preventing Burnout
- Reducing the Risk of Infectious and Hemorrhagic Complications of Regional Anesthesia (Patient Safety Highlights 2017)
- Referral Criteria for Patients with Burns
- Regulation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance
- Regulation of Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance
- Regulations, Interpretive Guidelines, Pharmacy, Dietary & Nutrition Services
- Rehabilitation and Technology: Academy of Physical Medicine with Jon Graham
- Rehabilitation Following Lower Limb Amputation
- Relationship between Palliative Care and End of Life Care
- Remote Home Dialysis - Podcast
- Remote Patient Monitoring: A Mississippi Success Story
- Renal Brain Does Exist - Webinar
- Renal Cell Cancer 2
- Renal Cell Cancer I
- Renal Cyst Spectrum
- Renal Cystic Syndromes
- Renal Cysts
- Renal Diet - Webinar
- Renal Failure Diagnosis and Management
- Renal Function - Anesthesiology
- Renal Morphology, Blood Supply and Glomerular Filtration
- Renal Palliative Care - Podcast
- Renal Patient Engagement - Webinar
- Renal Regulation of Body Fluid pH
- Renal Regulation of Body Fluid pH
- Renal Trauma
- Renal Tumours
- Renal Tumours
- Report Writing - Radiology
- Request for Organ and Tissue Donation
- Research and the EHR: Process Improvement Through Integration
- Research for Radiology SpRs
- Resource Implications for Total Early Excision of Major Burns
- Respecting Diversity in Others
- Respecting Diversity in Others
- Respiratory Physiology (anaesthesia)
- Respiratory Problems Anesthesiology
- Respiratory Tract Infection Part 1
- Restraint & Seclusion Best Practices: CMS, DNV & TJC Guidelines and Standards
- Rett Syndrome: Biology, Development and Prognosis
- Reversal and Extubation
- Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade
- Review article: Intestinal Failure
- Rheumatoid Arthritis - Anesthesiology
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Complementary Approaches and the Role of Microbial Infection
- Rhinitis and Polyps
- Right Ventricular Function
- Ring Shadows
- Risk Factors for Pulmonary Embolism
- Risk Factors for Pulmonary Embolism
- Risk of In-stent Re-stenosis
- Risk Reduction: Rethinking Recordkeeping for NDS (JURISPRUDENCE)
- Risks and Risk Assessment for Staff - Radiology
- Risks vs Benefits in Patient Exposure - Radiology
- Role of Ambulance Service at End of Life
- Root Cause Analysis in Primary Care
- Rotationplasty: Clinical Considerations and Functional Outcomes
- Rotator Cuff - Post Repair Rehab
- Running Considerations with Amputation
- Running Late Again?
- Running Late Again?
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Piriformis Syndrome: Academy of Physical Medicine with Paula Clayton
- Safe Anticoagulation
- Safe Handover of Patient to Recovery Team - Anesthesiology
- Safe Injection Practices & IV Push Guidelines: Compliance with CDC & CMS CoPs
- Safe Injection Practices & IV Push Guidelines: Compliance with CDC & CMS CoPs
- Safe Opioid Use, IV Med. & Med. Administration: CMS CoPs
- Safe Opioid Use: CMS CoPs
- Safe Prescribing in Renal Impairment
- Safe Prescribing of Insulin
- Safe Prescribing of Insulin
- Safe Prescription and Risk Management
- Safe Transportation of Patients with Complex Burns
- Safe Use of Diathermy and Laser
- Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 1)
- Safe Use of Injectable Medicines (Part 2)
- Safeguarding Adolescents
- Safeguarding Children - Behavioural Management in Special Educational Needs
- Safeguarding Children - Disability and Neglect
- Safeguarding Children - Fabricated and Induced Illness
- Safeguarding Children - Growth and Nutrition
- Safeguarding Children - Infection
- Safeguarding Children - Injury Prevention, Safety and Medication in School
- Safeguarding Children - Introduction to Special Educational Needs
- Safeguarding Children - Moving Up
- Safeguarding Children - Presentation and Assessment of Children with Special Educational Needs
- Safeguarding Children - Surveillance and Health Promotion
- Safeguarding Children - Understanding and Tackling Obesity
- Safeguarding Children - Unexplained Injuries
- Safer Medicine Use Through Concordance
- Safer Transition from the ER Using Asynchronous Virtual Care
- Safety Updates from the Anesthesia Closed Claims Project (December 2017 Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology)
- SAH: Acute Investigation, Treatment and Prevention
- Saline Infusion Sonohysterography
- Salvage Surgery for Severe Lower Limb Trauma
- Scalable Storage and Disaster Recovery Infrastructure for Medical Images
- Scaling a Customized Patient Experience
- Scanning barcodes in the Operating Room: Safer procedures, more satisfied personnel. The Greek Army's General Military Hospital.
- Scenario - Liver Disease - Anesthesiology
- Schizophrenia, LAIAs compared to oral antipsychotics
- School Entry Assessment
- SCIWORA: Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiographic Abnormality
- Screening and Prevention of Eye Disease
- Screening Asymptomatic Patients
- Screening Breast Ultrasound
- Screening for Heart Disease
- Screening Mammography Saves Lives
- Screening Programmes Part 1: Pregnancy and Newborn
- Screening Programmes Part 1: Pregnancy and Newborn
- Screening Programmes Part 2: Antenatal and Newborn through to Pre-school
- SDI: Insertion and Removal
- Searching the Journal Literature and Locating Papers
- Secondary Endocrine Causes Of Hypertension
- Secondary Headache
- Secondary Immune Deficiencies (Non-HIV)
- Secondary Peritonitis - ICM
- Secondary Prevention After Acute Coronary Syndromes: The GP’s Role
- Secondary Stroke Prevention
- Secure from the Start: Why Medical IoT Needs Protection Now
- Securing Medication Use Analytics and Surveillance in the Cloud
- Sedation (Anaesthesia)
- Sedative-Hypnotic Drug Withdrawal Syndrome: Recognition And Treatment
- Seeing the whole picture
- Selection of Investigations
- Self Appraisal
- Self Appraisal
- Self Awareness in Communication
- Self-evaluation: Axial and Appendicular Skeleton Anatomy (Adult) - Radiology
- Self-harm
- Self-Harm (Paramedics)
- Self-Harm and Common Mental Health Problems
- Sensory Issues in People with Learning Disabilities
- Sepsis
- Sepsis, Care Homes and the Frail Elderly
- Serious Mental Illness: Data Use to Improve Health Outcomes
- Session 1 - Genomic Medicine: What is it? How do we test it? And what clinical applications can we make with it?
- Session 2 - Methyl cycle and Related Pathway Abnormalities – Assessment and Treatment [Part-1]
- Session 4: Detoxification: How Genomics affect it & How to Use it to Augment Current Therapies
- Session 5: Genomic Abnormalities and core organ function deficits: Effects on Immune System, Mitochondria, Vitamin D and A function, Vision, Thyroid, GI and other primary body functions.
- Session 6: “Final Project” – Going through a genomic report from “A to Z.”
- Setting Up a Renal Pharmacy Service - Podcast
- Severe Asthma in Children: From Mechanisms to Disease Modification
- Severity Assessment of Pneumonia Using the CURB-65 Criteria
- Sex & Health Risk Behaviour in Long-term Conditions and Disability
- Sex hormones and the male heart
- Sexual Assault in Young People
- Sexual Behaviour and Infection Risk
- Sexual Behaviour In Adolescence
- Sexual Dysfunction in the Female Patient
- Sexual Health Indicators of Risk
- Sexual Health Risk Assessment
- Sexual History
- Sexual History Taking in the General Practice Context
- Sexual Problems: Part 1
- Sexually Transmissible Infections Diagnosis
- Sexually Transmissible Infections Management
- Sexually Transmissible Infections Update
- Sexually Transmitted Infections In Young People
- Shared Decision Making
- Shared Decision Making
- Shared Governance and Analytics Framework Improves Quality
- Shared Savings Power Tools: An ACO-Focused App and Open HIE
- Shock: Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Shock: Cardiovascular Physiology
- Shock: Massive Transfusion
- Shock: Metabolic Response to Injury
- Shockingly Powerful: Electrotherapy for Strength Training
- Shockingly Simple: Electrotherapy for Pain Control
- Shoe Modifications for Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis
- Shoulder Examination
- Shoulder Impingement
- Shoulder Impingement: An Athlete Case Study
- Shoulder Injuries
- Shoulder Pain
- Shoulder Soft Tissue Injuries 1
- Shoulder Soft Tissue Injuries 2
- SI Units - Anesthesiology
- Sickle Cell Anaemia and Thalassaemia
- Sickle Cell Pain
- Signs and Symptoms of Viral Encephalitis
- SIJ Pain and Injection - Radiology
- Simple Analgesia: Aspirin and Paracetamol
- Simple CT and MRI Scans 1 - Anesthesiology
- Simple CT And MRI Scans 2 - Anesthesiology
- Single Ventricle Heart Conditions
- Skeletal Dysplasias
- Skin Head and Neck Upper Airway Obstruction
- Skin, Head & Neck: Epistaxis
- Skull Vault Lucencies and Bumps on the Head
- Sleep Apnoea - Anesthesiology
- Sleep Difficulties
- Sleep Problems In Adolescence
- Sleep Science: Academy of Physical Medicine with Neil Stanley
- Sleeping Part 1: Normal Physiology and Common Problems
- Sleeping Part 2: Parasomnias in Childhood and Disturbed Sleep in Children with Disabilities
- Small Bowel Obstruction
- Small Bowel: GI Stromal Tumours (Hollow Organ and Mesentery)
- Small Bowel: Structural and Vascular Abnormalities of the Small Bowel
- Smooth Muscle Physiology
- Snuffbox Tenderness after Fall
- Social Development
- Social Media for Your Practice - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Social-Health Data Exchange Facilitates Chronic Disease Care
- Soft Tissue Reconstruction of Open Fractures of the Lower Limb
- Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
- Solutions, Strategies and Success: How Can Telemedicine Help?
- Solvents and Solutes
- Sonographic Assessment of Congenital Cytomegalovirus
- Sonographic Assessment of the Umbilical Cord
- Sonographic Detection of Severe Skeletal Dysplasias
- Sonographic Diagnosis of Fetal Uropathy
- Sonographic Evaluation of Benign and Malignant Breast Masses
- Sonographic Evaluation of Ectopic Pregnancies
- Sonographic Evaluation of the Normal and Abnormal Placenta
- Sonographic Evaluation of Uterine Leiomyomas and Adenomyosis
- Sonography of the Ovary: Benign Vs. Malignant
- Sonography of TIPS (Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt)
- Sound Waves
- Sources of Central Gas Supply
- Specific Problem-solving Skills
- Spinal Cord Compression
- Spinal Cord Injury - Correcting Seated Posture
- Spinal Cord Injury Therapy Review
- Spinal Cord, Major Ascending and Descending Pathways
- Spinal Needles
- Spinal Vascular Anomalies
- Spine Part 2: Sacrum, Sacral Hiatus and Ligaments
- Spine: Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae and Sacrum
- Spiritual Care and Models of Spiritual Intervention
- Spiritual Resources and Quality of Life
- Spirituality and the Multidisciplinary Team
- Spirituality and the Philosophy of End of Life Care
- Spirituality in the Community
- Spondylolisthesis and Sports-Related Back Pain: Academy of Physical Medicine with Nick Birch, FRCS (Orth)
- Sports Injuries - Radiology
- Sports Medicine in Primary Care
- Sportsperson with a Painful Elbow
- St. James’s Hospital - leading global innovation in healthcare - a hospital wide approach to adopting GS1 standards
- Stacking Predictive Models to Reduce Readmissions
- Stages of Unconsciousness (anaesthesia)
- Staging Colorectal Cancer
- Staging of Gastric Cancer
- Staging of Lung Cancer
- Staging Prostate Cancer
- Standardizing Clinical Communications Improves Patient Care
- Standardizing Collection of Social Determinants Data
- Standards of Monitoring During Anaesthesia and Recovery
- Stanford Children's Outside Image Management Journey
- Starting and Using Barrier Contraceptives
- Starting and Using Estrogen Containing Hormonal Contraceptives - 1
- Starting and Using Estrogen Containing Hormonal Contraceptives - 2
- Starting and Using Oral and Injectable Progestogen-only Hormonal Contraceptives
- State of the Art in Case Management: 2018 & Beyond
- State of the Union on Health-Care - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Static Renal Imaging: DMSA
- Static Surgery for Facial Palsy
- Statistics: Categorical Variables
- Statistics: Choice of Test
- Statistics: Confidence
- Statistics: Diagnostic Testing
- Statistics: Hypothesis Testing
- Statistics: Non-Parametric Data
- Statistics: Random Processes
- Statistics: Related Variables
- Statistics: Samples of Unknown Mean and Variance
- Stem Cell–based Therapies for Sepsis (Journal CME - December 2017)
- Step Change in Alveolar Ventilation and Exponential Functions
- Step I: Inhalational Analgesics
- Step I: NSAIDS Drugs and Mechanisms, Side Effects and Contraindications
- Step II - III: Opioids - Commonly Available Opioids
- Step II-III: Opioids - Principles of Opioid Treatment
- Step III: Administration Techniques – Epidural, Intrathecal
- Stereotactic Breast Biopsy
- Stereotactic Breast Biopsy: Accreditation Process and Case Review
- Sterilization
- STIs in HIV infected MSM
- STIs in Pregnancy
- STIs in Prepubertal Children
- STIs in the Newborn
- STIs in the Pharynx and Oral-genital STI Transmission
- Strategic Portfolio Management: Governing the Ungoverned
- Stridor in Children
- Stroke Prevention Medical Interventions for Everyday Practice
- Stroke Rehabilitation - Enhancing Locomotor Function
- Stroke: Where is the Lesion?
- Stroke: Where is the Lesion?
- Strong Ion Theory
- Subclinical Hypothyroidism Diagnosis and Management
- Substance Misuse During Pregnancy
- Succinylcholine
- Sudden Death and Bereavement
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Sudden Vision Loss Case Study 1
- Sudden Vision Loss Case Study 2
- Sudden Vision Loss Case Study 3
- Suicide Prevention and Risk Assessment
- Suicide Risk Assessment for Primary Care and Emergent Settings
- Supervised Learning Events in the Foundation Programme: An Introduction
- Support and Care Planning at End of Life
- Supporting a Person with Epilepsy
- Supporting and Working with the Carers of People with Learning Disabilities
- Supporting Children's and Young People's Development
- Supporting People to Live and Die Well
- Supporting People with Autism
- Supporting People with Visual Impairment
- Supporting Self Care
- Supporting Self-Management in Asthma
- Supporting Self-Management in Asthma in Children
- Supporting Strategies for Speech, Language and Communication
- Supporting the Carers of People with Challenging Problems
- Supporting Those Who Provide Care for Other People
- Supporting Those Who Provide Care for Other People
- Supporting young carers
- Supraclavicular Block - Anesthesiology
- Surface Anatomy of the Neck and Clavicular Region
- Surface Anatomy of the Neck and Clavicular Region
- Surface Anatomy of Vertebral Column in Adult and Child
- Surface Lesion of Bone
- Surgery, Anesthesia & PACU Standards: the CMS CoPs
- Surgical Considerations In ICU
- Surgical Management of Lymphoedema of the Lower Limb
- Surgical Pleural Drain Insertion
- Surgical Repair of Ischial Pressure Sores
- Sustainable Population Health: One Health System's Journey
- Suture Materials and Needles
- Suxamethonium Apnoea - Anesthesiology
- Swollen Toe - Radiology
- Symptom Management
- Symptom Management Complicated by Coexisting Conditions in Palliative Care
- Symptom Management in People with Learning Difficulties or Mental Health Problems in Palliative Care
- Symptoms and Signs of Pulmonary Embolism at Initial Presentation
- Symptoms and Signs of Pulmonary Embolism at Initial Presentation
- Syncope: Guidelines and Treatment
- Syndromes and Pathology associated with Learning Disabilities
- Synovial Disease of the Hip - Radiology
- Systematic Incident Investigation
- Systematic Review
- Tackling Obesity
- Tackling Obesity in Patients
- Taking a Directed Clinical History
- Taking Action on Opioids Through Research and Best Practice
- Taking an Occupational History
- Taking and Drawing a Genetic Family History - Theory
- Talking Genetics: Communicating Genetic Information
- Talking with Ill People: Considering the Surrounding Environment
- Talking with Parents
- Target Controlled Infusions
- Taster Session 1 - How to Find Online Research Evidence
- Teaching - Clinical Practice: Bedside or Opportunistic Moment
- Teaching - Delivering a Formal Teaching Session
- Teaching Groups and Workshops
- Team Dynamics
- Team Roles and Personality
- Team Working and Patient Safety
- Technique: Biopsy of the Kidney
- Techniques and Equipment
- Techniques for Burn Excision
- Techniques of Insertion and Routes for Central Venous Cannulation - Anesthesiology
- Techniques of Ocular Ultrasound (US) Examination
- Techniques: Ultrasound of the Prostate, Penis and Urethra
- Techniques: Ultrasound of the Testis
- Techniques: Ultrasound of the Urinary Tract
- Teenage Parents
- Telehealth on the Hill: How Policy Is Ushering Change
- Telemedicine, the Cost-Effective Alternative: CMS & TJC Standards
- Telephone Consultations
- Telephone Consultations
- Temperature Measurement
- Temporary Skin Cover Following Massive Burn Excision
- Temporomandibular Disorders - Treatments and Outcomes
- Tendon Disease
- Term Newborn Babies at Risk of Jaundice
- Term Newborn Babies at Risk of Respiratory Distress
- Term Newborn Babies at Risk of Respiratory Distress (Community)
- Term Newborn Babies at Risk of Respiratory Distress (Hospital)
- Terminal Agitation Patient in a Care Home
- Test Effects of Qigong on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Testicular Problems in Childhood (Pain, Masses and the Undescended Testis)
- Testosterone Deficiency and Male Hypogonadism
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- The Abnormal Posterior Fossa Excluding Tumours
- The Adoption Gap: Challenges and Strategies in Emerging Technologies
- The Adoption of GS1 UDI Standards - A Chief Cardiovascular Surgery Perspective
- The Ageing Population
- The Aging Process and Impact on the Swallow
- The Anaesthetic Machine - Pollution and Scavenging
- The anaesthetic management of facial trauma and fractures
- The Anaesthetist and the Theatre Team
- The Assessment and Management of Falls
- The Autonomic Nervous System
- The Bare Truth: Academy of Physical Medicine with Matt Walden
- The Basics of Embolisation
- The Basics of Stress Testing
- The Biophysical Profile Score
- The Brain
- The Cardiac Cath Lab: Updating Best Practices
- The Cervical Screening Programme
- The Child with a Swollen Joint
- The Child With Aches and Pains Including Normal Variants
- The Cloud Through the Eyes of a Community Health Center CIO
- The CVS and Sites for Drug Effects
- The Cybersecurity Risk Management Framework Applied to Enterprise Risk Management
- The Cytochrome P450 System
- The Difference between BiPAP and CPAP
- The Display of Statistical Data
- The EHR App Store Is Open – What Is on the Shelf?
- The Electromagnetic Spectrum
- The ESH/ESC guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
- The Experience Of Chronic Illness During Adolescence
- The Expert Young Person Patient
- The Failing Dialysis Fistula
- The Final Days
- The Five Pillars of a Best-in-Class Cybersecurity Program
- The Gastro-Oesophageal Junction, Hiatus Hernia and Reflux Disease
- The Generalist's Guide: Approaches to the Care of the Adolescent Patient
- The Generalist's Guide: Irregular Vaginal Bleeding of the Young Patient
- The Generalist's Guide: Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecologic Emergencies
- The Globe of the Eye
- The GP as Service Provider
- The GP's Perspective of Physical Medicine with Dr Malcolm Kendrick
- The Grief Response and Bereavement Care
- The Holistic Approach to Assessment and Management
- The Ideal Short Acting Muscle Relaxant
- The Impact of Care Coordination & Multidisciplinary Team on Value-Based Reimbursement
- The implementation of global standards in a large academic hospital, supporting efficiency and patient safety
- The Implications for GPs of the Equality Act (2010)
- The importance of early diagnosis: how to identify patients with FH for diagnosis and referral
- The Importance of Good Communication
- The Importance of Red Flags
- The Intensive Care Unit Record
- The Investigation of Disorders of Oesophageal Motility
- The Investigation of Hepatobiliary Disease
- The Investigation of Hepatobiliary Disease: Part 3
- The Journey Begins - Podcast
- The Large Head Including Hydrocephalus
- The Latest CMS and TJC Telemedicine Standards
- The Legal Framework for Working with Young People
- The Legal Side of Pelvic Imaging
- The Limping Child
- The Limping Child (Paramedic)
- The Locked Knee - Radiology
- The Many Faces of Endometriosis
- The Math of Core Stability: Academy of Physical Medicine with Matt Walden
- The Mental Capacity Act 2005
- The missing link in patient safety, hospital pharmacy in Belgium
- The Nasal Septum in Septorhinoplasty Surgery
- The Neuromuscular Junction and The Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor
- The Normal Intrapartum CTG
- The Overlap Between Falls and Syncope
- The Painful Stiff Spine
- The Past, Present and Future of Asthma
- The Pathophysiology of Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
- The Patient as Partner in Evidence-Based Practice
- The Patient as Partner in Evidence-based Practice
- The Patient with a Red Eye
- The Patient with Double Vision
- The Patient with Glaucoma
- The Patient with Retinal Problems
- The Patient with Sudden Loss of Vision
- The Pharmacology of NSAIDs in Children - Anesthesiology
- The Physiological Pathways of Pain
- The Physiology of Hormones
- The Physiology of Pregnancy
- The Presentation of Infectious Hepatitis
- The Principles of Planning Reconstructive Surgery
- The Principles of Screening
- The process to accept and implement bedside scanning in a hospital
- The Psychological and Sociological Impact of Pain
- The Psychological Impact of FGM
- The Purposes of Preoperative Visiting (anaesthesia)
- The Returning Traveller
- The right medicine for the right patient: GS1 barcodes improve logistic efficiency and patient safety
- The Role of Amputation in Management of Severe Lower Limb Trauma
- The Role of Telemedicine in Burns Referrals
- The Role of the Consultation
- The Role of the Consultation
- The Role of the GP in Caring for Older People
- The Role of the Healthcare Professional
- The role of the open abdomen procedure in managing severe abdominal sepsis: WSES position paper
- The Role of Tracheostomy in Patients with Burns
- The Safety of Asthma and Allergy Medications During Pregnancy: New Horizons
- The School Health Team
- The Sclerotic Clavicle
- The Sexual History Assessing Condom Use Pregnancy Risk and Symptoms
- The Social Context of Food
- The Sonographic Detection of Trisomy 13
- The Sonographic Detection of Uterine Anomalies
- The Sonographic Evaluation of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- The Treated Breast
- The Use of Blockchain to Improve Quality Outcomes
- The use of information technology to improve medication safety in hospitals
- The Use of the Contraceptive Injection
- The Value of the Clinical Narrative in Cancer Care
- The Vestibular System and its Connections
- The Vomiting Infant
- The X-ray Tube
- Thinking Outside the Box - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Third Party Consultations
- Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
- Thoracic Imaging in Heart and Lung Transplantation
- Thoracic Imaging Techniques
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Medical Treatment Guidelines
- Threats Beyond Borders
- Thrombolysis and Thrombectomy
- Thromboprophylaxis and Thrombosis
- Thromboprophylaxis in the Critically Ill
- Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones and Calcium Homeostasis
- Thyroid Disease - Anesthesiology
- Thyroid: Basic Pathology and Clinical Aspects
- Thyroid: Basics of Radionuclide Imaging
- TIA Clinic 8
- Tibia 1 – Tibia Shaft Fractures
- Tibia 2 – Tibial Plateau and Plafond Fractures
- Ticker Ticking - Webinar
- Tics and Twitches
- Tinnitus in Primary Care
- Tissue Banking for Burn Services
- Tissue Donation, Procurement and Whole Organ Transplantation
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- TJC Sentinel Event Policy, Patient Safety Systems & CMS RCA Requirements
- TMJ Overview and Jaw Dysfunctions Associated with the Cervical Spine
- Toileting: Bladder and Bowel Control (Paediatric)
- Too Much Medicine in Older People
- Torticollis
- Total Hip Replacement Recovery Considerations
- Total Knee Arthroplasty - High Flexion Prosthetic & Exercise
- Total Knee Arthroplasty Rehabilitation Considerations
- Total Knee Arthroplasty: Stair Negotiation and Gait
- Total Mastectomy
- Tough Girl on the Net - Connected Health: A Patient Narrative
- Tourniquet use including Indications, Effects and Complications
- Toxic Shock Syndrome in Patients with Burns
- Toxoplasmosis
- Trachea, Main Bronchi, Broncho-Pulmonary Segments
- Tracheal Tubes
- Tracheostomy 1: Basic Knowledge about Tracheostomies and Laryngectomies
- Tracheostomy 2: Emergency Management of a Tracheostomy or Laryngectomy
- Tracheostomy 3: General and Nursing Care of a Tracheostomy or Laryngectomy
- Tracheostomy and Cricothyrotomy Tubes
- Tracheostomy: Indications and Technique
- Transferring the Patient to Recovery - Anesthesiology
- Transforming IT: The Journey to Clinical Innovation
- Transforming Logical Access Control for a Hospital Network
- Transforming Patient Experience with a Mobile Wayfinding Platform
- Transfusion Physiology 1
- Transfusion Physiology 2
- Transient Global Amnesia: Emergency Department Evaluation And Management
- Transition from Child-centred to Adult-orientated Healthcare
- Transitioning to Value-Based Care? Chatbot May Help
- Translating strategic commitment into GS1 standards coming to life in hospital processes
- Transtibial Amputation Prosthetic Comparisons
- Transvaginal Evaluation of the 2st Trimester: Normal and Abnormal
- Trauma - Radiology
- Trauma 2: Anaesthesia For Fractured Jaw
- Trauma and Orthopaedics: Back Pain
- Trauma and Orthopaedics: Common Peripheral Neuropathies
- Trauma and Orthopaedics: Metastatic Bone Disease
- Trauma and Orthopaedics: Osteoarthritis Hip
- Trauma and Orthopaedics: Osteoarthritis Knee
- Trauma Resuscitation: The Primary Survey
- Trauma Resuscitation: The Secondary Survey
- Traumatic Injuries: Drowning
- Treating and Managing Dysphagia with Dementia I
- Treating and Managing Dysphagia with Dementia II
- Treatment and Care Towards the End of Life: Good Practice in Decision Making
- Treatment of Female Subfertility - Fallopian Tube Recanalisation
- Treatment Planning and Delivery for Active Pencil Beam Scanning
- Trichomonas Vaginalis
- Triploidy
- TSS_Usual Organisms and Antibiotic Therapy
- Tuberculosis: Basic Patterns
- Tubes, Wires and Artefacts
- Tubular Transport and the Proximal Tubule
- Turning Clinical Data Into Effective Action: A Case Study
- Twin Growth
- Twisted Ankle - Radiology
- Two- and Three-Compartment Models
- Types of Speech Disturbance
- Types of Tracheostomy Tube
- Typical Development Part 1: From Birth to Babble
- Typical Development Part 2: First Words and Early Sentences
- Ulcerative Colitis: Investigation and Management
- Ultrasound (US) Imaging Physics and Principles
- Ultrasound (US) Investigation of Opaque Ocular Media
- Ultrasound - Critical Care
- Ultrasound - Medical and Surgical
- Ultrasound and CT Guided Drainage
- Ultrasound Arterial Imaging: Principles
- Ultrasound Assessment and Mapping of the Superficial Venous System
- Ultrasound by Nurses - Meeting the Challenge of Fluid Assessment - Podcast
- Ultrasound Contrast Agents
- Ultrasound Diagnosis of Ovarian Masses
- Ultrasound Evaluation of Acute Scrotal Pain
- Ultrasound Evaluation of the Renal Transplant
- Ultrasound for Regional Anaesthesia
- Ultrasound of the Solid Abdominal and Hollow Viscera
- Ultrasound: Reflection, Scatter and Absorption
- Ultrasound: Transducers and Beam Forming
- Uncompensated Vestibular Disorders
- Understanding and Assessing Spiritual Need and Spiritual Distress
- Understanding Equality and Diversity-patient Scenarios
- Understanding Equality and Diversity-patient Scenarios
- Understanding Pain: Academy of Physical Medicine with Mike Stewart
- Understanding Restraint and Seclusion: CMS, DNV and TJC Guidelines and Best Practices
- Understanding the Patient's Perspective
- Understanding Vaginal Bleeding Problems
- Unifacet Dislocation
- Unilateral Hyperlucent Hemithorax
- Unintended Pregnancy: Early Pregnancy Assessment, Abortion and Referral
- Universal Precautions and Cross Infection
- Updating Comprehensive Type 2 Diabetes Management
- Upper Extremity Venous Evaluation
- Ureteric Trauma
- Urinary Incontinence in Women
- Urinary Tract Bleeding
- Urinary Tract Calculi in Children
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Children
- Use cases of successful GS1 implementations in German, Austrian and Swiss healthcare
- Use of Real-Time Best Practice Alerts to Confirm Treatments
- Use of Restraint
- Use of RTLS to Support a Model of Patient-Centered Care
- User-Centered Design of a Mobile ePrescription Service
- Using Electronic Records
- Using Electronic Records
- Using Record Keeping to Promote Multi-agency Working
- Using SCIT vs. SLIT to Modify Allergic Disease
- Using Simulation Training to Speed EHR Adoption
- Using Syringe Drivers in Palliative Care
- Using Ultrasound to Diagnose and Manage Patients With Abnormal Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Bleeding
- Uterine fibroids: clinical review
- Uterine Shape Abnormalities: Do We Need Magnetic Resonance Imaging?
- Utilising identification standards driving patient safety for better & sustainable healthcare: the Australian Capital Territory
- Utilization Management: Meeting Challenges in a Value-Based Reimbursement Environment
- Utilization Management: What Does it Mean & Where Should it Reside?
- Utilization Review Standards: Minimizing Cost and Maximizing Quality
- Vaccine-preventable Diseases and their Vaccines: Selectively-used Vaccines
- Vaccine-preventable Diseases and their Vaccines: Universally-used Vaccines Part 1
- Vaccine-preventable Diseases and their Vaccines: Universally-used Vaccines Part 2
- Valvular Disorders of the Heart
- Vaporizers, Oxygen Flush and Alarms
- Variability of Lung Cancer Presentations
- Varicocoele: Key Facts, Imaging and Treatment
- Vascular Arteritis
- Vascular Intervention - Podcast
- Vasoactive Agents (Inotropes)
- Vasoactive Agents (Vasopressors)
- Venous Access
- Venous Interventions in the Liver: TIPS and Budd-Chiari Syndrome
- Ventilation - Basic Modes 1
- Ventilation - Basic Modes 2
- Ventilation During Maintenance: Spontaneous or Mechanical
- Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
- Ventilator Settings and Alarms (anaesthesia)
- Ventilatory Failure and Oxygen Therapy
- Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death
- Vertigo: Overview, Prevalence & Treatment Comparisons
- Vestibular Schwannomas
- Vigilance and Anticipation of Problems - Anesthesiology
- Violence and Aggression in the Workplace - Webinar
- Viral Exanthems
- Virtual Patient: Soccer Coach too Busy for Shots
- Virtual Patient: Young Girl with Peanut Allergy
- Virtual Reality Gets Real in Healthcare
- Virtual Reality Therapy for Patients with Stroke
- Viscoelastics
- Visualizing the Patient Experience Using an Agile Framework
- Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD): More Common Than You Think
- Volumetric Imaging of the Fetal Heart
- Vomiting and diarrhoea - assessment and treatment
- VTE Prevention in Secondary Care
- Vulnerable Children
- Vulnerable Infants and Children
- Vulvovaginal Atrophy
- Ward Visit After Major Surgery
- Water Quality for Haemodialysis - Online Learning Package
- Ways of Supporting Pain Self-management Strategies
- Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation
- Weighing and Measuring Infants and Children
- What Can Implementation Research Teach Us About the Management of Asthma?
- What CIOs Should Know About Health System Strategy in 2018
- What is a Laser?
- What is the Menopause
- What is Vasovagal Syncope?
- What Is Virtual Colonoscopy?
- What is Your Benchmark for Measuring Case Management Outcomes?
- What's App Doc? Canadian Adventures in Secure Messaging
- What’s new in FH genetics?
- When Someone Dies
- When the Dying Process is Protracted Or Unexpectedly Fast
- When Writing a Script Just Isn’t Enough: Strategies to Overcome Barriers Associated with Poor Asthma Control in Older Adults
- Where are Normal Structures on Postero-anterior and Lateral Chest X-ray?
- Whiplash Therapy Management
- Why Am I Taking This Drug? Incorporating Indications in CPOE
- Why do People Consult
- Why do we need new options for managing FH?
- Why Does Genetics Matter in Primary Care Practice?
- Why Don’t Our Patients Listen to Us? - Webinar
- Why is Aligning Acute and Post-Acute Care Providers Important in Transitional Planning?
- Wide Cranial Sutures and Wormian Bones
- Will Your Website Last the Year? - Taking Care of Business Summit
- Women's Health: Academy of Physical Medicine with Dr. Nitu Bajekal
- Workflow Informed Decision Support Tools for Nursing Homes
- Working with Local Community Organisations
- Working with Local Community Organisations
- Working with Young People
- Worklessness and Unemployment
- Wound Excision for Open Fractures of the Lower Limb
- Wound Management
- Wounds and Soft Tissue Injuries Compartment Syndrome
- Wounds and Soft Tissue Injuries: Gunshot and Blast Injuries
- Wounds and Soft Tissue Injuries: Management of Soft Tissue Injury
- Wounds and Soft Tissue Injuries: Managing Traumatic Wounds
- Wounds and Soft Tissue Injuries: Stab Injuries
- Wrights Respirometer, Pneumotachograph and Ventilator Alarms
- Wrist Injuries
- Writing a Medical CV
- Writing an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment
- Writing Operative Records
- X-Ray - Chest and Emergency Interpretation
- X-Ray - Chest Interpretation
- X-Ray - Emergency Interpretation
- X-Ray - Nursing Interpretation
- X-ray Film
- Young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and cardio vascular safety.
- Zeroing in on the Patient to Reduce Alert Fatigue